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The next day, I got up like nothing's happened. Like I didn't cry myself to sleep AGAIN. I know now, crying will not change anything, I just have to live my life.

I just got to work and I saw Mitsuya working on some designs. He immediately noticed my red puffy eyes.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Mitsuya asked. I just smiled at him trying to hold back my tears.

I know, I said earlier that crying will not change anything but I just can't help it. This is too much for me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He stand up from his sit and walk to me. A tear fell down, followed by another one.

"Taka..chan...." I looked at Mitsuya. Tears falling down on my cheeks.

"Why? What's happened? Tell me." He hug me this time trying to comfort me somehow.

"My medicines are not working anymore....but I am scared to do that surgery." I said between sob..

He didn't say anything. He's just comforting me, calming me down...

It took a few minutes before I calmed down. Mitsuya offered me a glass of water. We continue our day like our normal day except we are both quite than usual.

After work, I said goodbye to Mitsuya and went home already.


Ring ring.... Mikey's calling...

Y/N : Yes?

Mikey : You didn't call or text me yesterday. I got worried.

Y/N : Umm.. sorry. I went to bed early. I forgot to call you.

Mikey : It's okay now. What are you doing? Did eat dinner already?

Y/N : Nope. Not yet. I'm not really hungry. I just wanna sleep all day...

Mikey : I'll just order you something. What you want?

Y/N : No it's okay. I'm really not hungry Mikey. I gotta go. Bye..

End call....

I'm not comfortable talking to him right now. I really feel bad about keeping this big secret from him.


I woke up from the doorbell. I fell asleep. I looked at the clock and it's 10pm already. I got up and went to see who's outside.

It's Mikey with bags of food.

"I bought you food." Mikey said smiling holding up the bags.

"Come inside." I offered. He place the bags in the table. "I told you I'm not hungry." I said.

"But I want to eat with you." He said while pouting. He's even doing a puppy eyes. How can I resist that? Even Draken can't resist that look.

"Fine." I said rolling my eyes. He's now beaming in happiness.

I prepared us the food and after that we decided to just watch some tv shows.

We sat beside each other. I'm really sleepy again so I lay down on his lap. He definitely seemed startled.

Minutes go by, he's now relax. He's gently stroking my hair which made me sleepier.

"You can stay if you want." I told him with my eyes closed.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Hmm." I nod my head. "I'll give you a spare key so you can come over anytime." I said.

"Ehh? I thought just for tonight?" He said. He misunderstood me.

"I know this seems too fast but I wanna be you all the time." I said, still eyes closed. He didn't say anything. He just continued to stroke my hair.

It's true. After hearing about my condition, I realized that I wanna be with Mikey all the time.

He's my comfort. He got that warmth I've been longing for my whole life.

"I love you, Y/N." Mikey said softly.

I smiled weakly, holding back my tears. "I love you, Manjiro."

I wanna be with everyone who I care and love. Life is too short. I wanna enjoy life with Mikey and everyone. I will live my life like tomorrow is my last.


I slowly open my eyes... I fell asleep. I looked at Mikey, he fell asleep too. I got up and get us a blanket.

"Hey, lay down properly." I tap Mikey's shoulder. He didn't say anything and just did what I said.

The couch was big enough for two people. That's why I lay down beside him.

We are now under the same blanket. I looked at Mikey, he's still sleeping I guess.

I bury my face in his chest and hug him.

His smell. His warmth. This feeling is addicting. I wish we could just stay like this forever. Just me and him.

Tomorrow I will tell him about my condition. I can't keep this from him. It's unfair. Whatever his reaction will be, I will accept it...

Even if he decided to leave me..


Hey guys. Sorry for the late update I was just busy with work and stuff.

Anyway, did you guys know Mikey was ranked Top 1 from the WORST HUSBAND/BOYFRIEND? 😤

I had to adjust Mikey's personality in this because I don't want him to be toxic in this story. If I could just give him a hug and tell him that it's okay. That's he's not alone. I will definitely do it.

I love him and I don't understand why people can't seem to understand what he's going through.. 😭
Okay, I'm ranting too much..

Love you guys, thanks for the 11K reads. ❤️

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