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I had to cover Mitsuya's shift again. I think Toman is having an emergency meeting. I don't know.

I was wiping the table when I noticed a guy. He has silver hair and purple eyes. He's handsome sure but was kinda creepy.

He's now looking at me, grinning like a mad man.

"What the fuck is his problem? Look away dude!!" I said to myself rolling my eyes.

I continued my work, ignoring that creepy guy. This world is a dangerous place to live in.

I looked outside, and sighed in relief to see he's gone. Thank God!!!


Hina-chan is calling....

Y/N : Hello?

Hina : Come to XXX Hospital. Something happened to Emma.

I hung up and start to run. Hina is crying, so I know something bad happened.

At the hospital..

I saw them crying. Hina, Takemichi. Draken punching Mikey. I was trying to process what is happening. I run between Draken and Mikey.

"What is happening?" I said trying to sound calm. "Emma is dead. It's his fault." Draken said looking at Mikey. "What did you say?" I asked just to be sure I am hearing that right.

"Emma is dead, Y/N-chan." Hina hugged me and cried.

"No. That can't be right. Emma is not...." I am trying my best not to cry. "She's not..." I keep on stuttering. I couldn't say the word. I can't believe it. My knees fell down.

"Manjiro, tell me, that's not true, right?" I looked at Mikey who just sat there. "Manjiro!! Tell me it's not true." I crawl beside him. "Hey, Manjiro. Why won't you speak??!!" I punch his shoulder. He just stare at the floor.

First, Baji. Now, Emma. Please wake up me from this nightmare. I can't afford to lose everyone.


After I calm down a bit, I went to the morgue to see Hina one last time. My whole body shivers as I looked at her corpse.

I held her hand and can't help but cry again. I felt this sharp pain in my heart again. I felt everything was spinning around. My vision starts to become blurry.

I felt my head hit the floor and I lost consciousness.


I woke up from the nagging pain in my head. I looked around to find Hina beside me.

"Where's Manjiro? What happened?" I asked. "They're fighting right now. You fainted that's why you're here in the recovery room." she replied. "I'll go see him." I try to stand up but my knees are weak right now. "I need to talk to him. Please." I beg Hina to bring me to them. "Just wait until the fight is over. It's dangerous out there." She didn't let me go.

Hours after... "You can go home now. Don't stress yourself too much." the doctor said.

Hina helped me out. She walked me home. We didn't talked to each other until we got home.

"Hina-chan, don't leave me please. I don't want to be alone." I said grabbing her jacket. She smiled and hugged me.

We went inside, we tried to entertain ourselves with anime. We tried to forget what happened today.

Emma is the kind of girl you wanna be close with. She's strong willed woman. The only thing she's afraid was to confess to Draken. She's our bestfriend. She's always been. I'm gonna miss her so bad.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I'm gonna go. My mom's calling me nonstop." Hina said. As much as I wanted her to stay, I just nodded at her and smiled.

We hug and said goodbyes..

After Hina left, I took a shower and head to bed, then I heard a knock on the front door. Confused.

Then there he is.. MANJIRO.

"We need to talk."

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