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Mikey's POV

"Your house is really nice.." Y/N said as she looked around. She's already been here thrice. Of course it's nice, I based this on her dream house when we were kids. She always carried that drawing of her, bragging to us.

"I already prepared your room, come on I'll show you." I grabbed her arm and went upstairs to her room. I was so excited to show her.

"Remember when I told you that I was gonna call someone? I called my Interior designer about this. Do you like it?" I asked.

"Ahhhh hehehe, so that was it's about." She chuckled as she scratched her neck... "yeah, I love it. it's so pretty but you didn't have to. I'm okay with anything." She said and clung to my arm.

"I want you to feel at home.. call the maids if you need anything." I told her.

"Home is wherever you are, Manjiro." She said and looked at me.

"Okay, I'll be in my room. Settle in first." I said as I kiss her forehead.

I walked away and closed the door behind me. I went to my room to shower and change.

Should I asked her to just stay with me here on my room? No....maybe that's too fast. Maybe I'll just asked her next week.

After I took a shower, I remembered that Y/N don't have any clothes here so I change quickly and went over to her room.

I knocked and opened the door slowly.... I saw her just sitting on the bed and staring blankly at the floor.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"Ummmm.....c-can I just....stay in your..umm room? I don't want to be alone in here." Y/n said and looked away. She's really cute when she's embarrassed.

"I was afraid you'd never ask...come on, let's go." I replied to her and we walked our way to my room.

"Your room is really minimalist huh? Cool." She said while admiring the room.

Well, yeah. My room is minimalist. King size bed, a two sitter couch, two side tables, built in cabinet, tv and one big ass mirror. Ohhh and a bathroom.

"You can use everything in here. I already bought you extra underwears cause I remembered earlier that you didn't brought any. There's the towels, and there you can find my clothes, wear anything you want." I explained and pointed out everything to her.

"Wow. You're really ready huh? You even bought me underwears." She joked.

"Of course, can't have you wearing my boxers." I replied laughing.

"But....I don't wear underwear when I'm at home." She said.

I gulped to what she said. Is that true? No... stop imagining Mikey.

"Hahaha!! I got you!! I'm just messing with you." She laughed and walked away from me to the bathroom.

I was left there frozen. She's really getting sneaky every day. How can she joke about that?

I went downstairs to tell the maid to prepare for dinner. I just told her to make something healthy for Y/N.

After that, I went to my office to catch up on work. I left Sanzu in charge and I'm planning to put him there temporarily until Y/N's operation. I need to focus on her.

I FaceTime the Bonten's members. A few of them answered, Sanzu, Rindou, Koko and Ran. The 2 oldies didn't answer.

"Okay guys, I need to focus on my personal life for now. Sanzu you'll be in charge until I get back." I told them

"You getting married boss?" Ran asked.

"No. Not yet. I just need to focus on Y/N." I replied

"Why? What happened to my Y/N?" Rindou asked. 'My? The fuck'

"That's none of your business, Rindou. And stop calling her yours, she's mine now." I replied sternly.

"Jeeezz.. so serious." Rindou mumbled.

"Okay. Noted boss. I'll just update you every now and then. Say hi to Y/N for us." Sanzu said.

"Okay. That's all for now. Bye." I replied and end the call.


My work was interrupted by a knock. The door opened and there was Y/N standing by the door, smiling widely at me, wearing just my shirt. I can see her nipples, She's so perfect in every way.

"The dinner's ready, boss." She said and bows to me.

"You're getting sneakier, you know that? I should teach you some lessons." I said seriously and walked to her.

She gulped and steps backwards. Everytime she steps backwards and step forward until her back bumped into the wall.

I lean closer to her ear and whispered "Now.... what punishment should I give you?"

"Hehehe. No. No need. I was just kidding. Come on let's eat." She said as she pushed me away and walked out.

I laughed and followed her downstairs. She's so cute, I can't get enough.


After eating dinner, Y/N and I went upstairs already. I lay down with my head resting on the head board and turned on the tv. Y/N lay down beside me and place her head on my chest and put my arm around her.

This has been our favorite sleeping position. I like the smell of her hair. I like being so close to her.

"Do you have work tomorrow?" She asked.

"No, from now on Sanzu will be handling the business. I'll focus on you." I replied.

"Really? So what are we doing tomorrow?" She asked again.

"Mmmm... what do you want to do?" I asked her back

"I don't really know... I just wanna cuddle with my Manjiro all day." She replied and boy... I blushed hard.

"Cuddle with my number one fan?? Mmmm. Sounds great." I replied giggling.

"Number one fan? It's been so long since you called me that." She said.

"Are you still?" I asked her.

"Of course, I'll be your number one fan no matter what. Ever since you saved me from the bullies when we were kids, you've been my knight shimmer armor." She replied looking at me.

"And ever since I saw your face, I don't want anyone to see you the way I see you. You're my first and only love, Y/N." I said and kiss her forehead.

"I love you. Thank you for coming back to me." I said to her.

"I'll always come back to you because now, you are my home. I love you so much, Manjiro.." she replied and kiss me.


Sorry for the late update guys.

Thanks for the 20k reads. 😭😭

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