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Mikey's POV

I mean it when I said I'm willing to change for Y/N. I asked Sanzu if he's okay to take over as a acting president for Bonten's business. I mean I need time for Y/N, to win her back. I told them that I'll be there if they really need me.

Tonight I decided to meet up with everyone. Draken, Takemichi, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Kazu, Pah Chin, Peh Yan and the twins. You know, to catch up and to mend things with them.

It's been a while since I saw them. Ever since I created Bonten, I've been so busy with works that I didn't have the time to bond with everyone.

I started to get ready. We're just gonna chill at Mitsuya's place. I was really nervous to see everyone but kinda excited too. I miss them. I miss my friends.

Everyone arrived. We all catch up. We drank a few whiskey. I'm really glad that everyone is doing well.

"We should hang out like this once in a month." Takemichi said.

"Yeah sure. That's a great idea" Mitsuya said.

"Mikey-kun, please come to my wedding." Takemichi spoke again.

"Is it okay if I come?" I asked. I'm not really sure.

"Of course you can. Just because we haven't seen each other for a long time doesn't mean we're not friends anymore." Takemichi said.

"Uh....yeah sure. I'll come." I replied. I don't know why but I'm happy to see everyone. I'm really thankful for them.

We all said goodbye to each other and agreed to meet on Takemichi's wedding which is like a month away.

I start my car and drive home. I took a shower and went to bed. I was thinking of Y/N and on how I can win her back.

Mitsuya said I should give her space but I can't just sit here doing nothing. I will show her my sincerity. I will do everything for her to like me again.


I woke up around 9 in the morning. I got ready quickly. I wanted to buy Y/N breakfast. I know she is working at Mitsuya's.

I start my car and head to the coffee shop. I didn't know what she like so I just ordered 3 black americano for the three of us. Mitsuya, Y/N and me. I also bought some bagels.

I arrived at Mitsuya's shop. I saw Y/N watering the plants outside the store. I walked towards her nervous.

"Good morning. Here I got you a breakfast." I said. Hoping she would notice me.

"I'm not hungry. Just give it Takachan inside." Y/N said without looking at me.

"But I bought it for you.." i said and she gave me a 'fuck off' stare. I immediately went inside scared of Y/N.

"Here." I give Mitsuya the breakfast I bought.

"Give her time man." Mitsuya said.

"Yeah i know. I'm not giving up on her." I said. I'm really determined to win her back.


Second attempt.

I bought Y/N a lunch. Her favorite Tonkotsu Ramen. I know she can't resist this.

"Hi. I bought you your favorite. Tonkotsu Ramen." I proudly enter to shop but I saw Mitsuya with some customer.

"Umm. Sorry. Where's Y/N?" I whispered to Mitsuya.

"She's having a migraine so I sent her home." He replied.

"Okay. Thanks. I'll just drop this at her house." I said.

I start my car and stop by at pharmacy to buy Y/N medicine for her migraine and I drive to her house.

I rang the doorbell twice before she opened the door.

"What do you want?" She asked. She looks so cute. She have this patch on her forehead for fever I think.

"I bought you your favorite." I said showing her the bag.

"I'm not really hungry." She said but her stomach started to growl. Her cheeks went red. She's about to close the door but I stopped her.

"Come on, just eat this and I'll go. I also bought you medicine for your migraine." I said.

"Fine. Give me that." I said and we went inside.

I just sat there. Not moving an inch. I was really happy that Y/N accept the lunch I bought for her. Baby steps. Baby steps.

"Oi. It's ready." Y/N said from the kitchen.

"Huh?" I was confused.

"Come here and eat. I can't eat all of these" She said.

What the fuck??? She asked me to eat with her!! Is she gonna take me back now? Am I forgiven already? Should I tell her 'I love you' now?

I walked up to the kitchen and sat in front of her. She give me the bowl of ramen and she started to eat.

I just stared at her. I can't believe I'm with her again. After all these years of longing for her. I got a chance to meet her again. I couldn't help but get teary eyed from the happiness I feel.

"Why are you crying?" Y/N suddenly asked. I quickly wipe my eyes.

"No I'm not. The ramen was just so hot. My tongue got burned." I said. Hoping she'll buy my stupid excuse. She'll probably think I'm some weirdo crying just by looking at her.

After she's done eating, she took the medicine and drink it. She head to the living room.

I put the dishes in the sink and I washed it.

"You don't have to do that. I'll wash it later." Y/N said.

"No it's okay. It's done already." I said wiping my hands on my shirt. "I'm gonna go. Call me if something happens." I said.

"Stop doing this. Stop acting like this." Y/N said looking at the window. "Just stay away Mikey."

So this is what it feels like. To be pushed away. This is what Y/N feels when I asked to her to stay away from me. No wonder why she's so mad at me. Because it hurts. It fucking hurts.

I didn't say anything. I just leave. I want to hug her and tell her that I'm not going to leave her. That I will stay by her side as long as I can but I remembered what Mitsuya said.

"Just give her time man." Fine, I'll give her time. I will wait for her.

No matter how long, I'll wait for you. You're my miracle in this suicidal life I have. You're the light I thought I lost but you came back. You gave me hope again. I will not give up you.

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