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Mikey's POV

Everyone seems drunk already. Some are dancing, some are just watching. Y/N is laughing in front of me. She looks happy.

I still can't believe what happened earlier. I don't want to expect but she offered her hand to me and we walked together. Maybe she's just drunk.

"Hey Y/N!! Can you sing for us one last time?" Draken said.

"No. I'm drunk already." Y/N said. Her voice is raspy now. Maybe from the cold drinks she's drinking.

"Please!!!" Everyone said in unison. Even I said please.

"Fine. This is the last time okay?" Y/N said rolling her eyes and goes to the front and grab the mic.

The intro started... ( Kiss It Better by Rihanna )

Been waiting on that sunshine
Boy, I think I need that back
Can't do it like that
No one else gonna get it like that
So I argue, you yell, had to take me back
Who cares when it feels like crack?
Boy, you know that you always do it right

This is the first time I've heard her sing like this. I mean, it's like she's seducing.. the song.

I've been waiting up all night
Baby, tell me what's wrong
Go on and make it right
Make it all night long

It's like she's saying something to me through that song. No. Maybe she's just drunk.

Mmm, do what you gotta do, keep me up all night
Hurting bad man, and it hurts inside when I look you in your eye

See, she's saying something to me. I know it. She's still hurting..

What are you willing to do?
Oh, tell me what you're willing to do?
Kiss it, kiss it better, baby

I will do everything for you Y/N if you've just let me...

Y/N walked to us and chugged her drink "I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!" She shouts and everyone yells with her and drink also.

I noticed Mitsuya keeps on checking Y/N. Throwing her drink when she's not looking.

"That's enough Y/N." Mitsuya said and grab Y/N drinks.

"Haaah!! Takachan~ come just only for tonight. Please." Y/N said while making puppy eyes. She's so cute!!

"Fine. Just slow down or else we'll go home right away." Mitsuya said.

"Yes sir!!" Y/N salute Mitsuya.

I panicked when I saw Y/N running towards me.

What do I do? Stay calm Mikey. Be calm.

"Come on, you're the only one who's not dancing." Y/N grab my wrist before I could say anything.

I looked at Draken and Mitsuya asking for help but they just laughed at me. They're enjoying this.

Y/N start to dancing in front of me. She's really a great dancer. I really don't want to say this but she looks hot.

Everyone jumped when the beat drops. Of course I jump too. We were screaming and laughing.

It's been a while since I laughed like this. It's all thanks to them.


One by one, they said their goodbyes. Mitsuya is a bit drunk so he asked if I could drive Y/N to her house. He said he's going to stay at Hakkai's.

It's just me and Y/N now, she's asleep in the lobby. I don't want to wake her up so I just carry her in a bridal style to my car.

I put her in the car and put the seatbelt on and drove.

I carry her again and pulled out the keys and opened the door. I put her down on her bed and went to the kitchen to get some water for her.

"Don't leave me." Y/N said with her eyes closed. Sleep talking i guess.

"I'm just gonna get you a water." I whispered to her but she keep on groaning.

"I don't want to die!!" Y/N starts crying in her sleep.

"Shh. Don't cry. I won't let anything bad happen to you." I sit beside her. I didn't know what to do.

"I'm scared. I don't want to die now!" She got up and hold my face. She's awake. She looks really scared.

I just hug her. I don't know what else to do. I don't know what she means. All I know is that she's scared right now and I want to be here for her.

"Why did you do that? Why did you pushed me away?" She asked. I couldn't answer her. "I just wanted to be there for you." She said between sobs.

"I know. I'm sorry." That's the best I could say.

"I was willing to do anything for you if you've just let me." She said punching my chest. I didn't say anything. I just let her punch me. I deserve that.

"It hurts. It hurts so much. I've tried to forget you but you keep on popping in my mind." She said.

"I love you Y/N." There. I said it. I couldn't wait anymore. "I love you. I still love you. I never stop loving you." I hug her tightly this time.

"Took you 12 years to say it.." she said and hugged me back.

"Let's start over. I will never let you go this time. Just give me one last chance. Promise I'll make it right." I said. She just nod her head.

After a few minutes, I felt her body became heavier. She fell asleep in my arms.

I put her down, put some blanket and kissed her forehead. I got up and closed the door.

"I love you too.."

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