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Mikey's POV

There I saw Kenchin running towars us. I groaned at myself.

What the fuck is his problem? Is he looking down on me now? Can't he read the moment? Kenchin you fucker!!!!

"Oi Mikey!!" Kenchin shouts.

"You ruined our moment. You fucker!!" I shout back and jump on him. I was punching him but he's just blocking them.. should I just kick him?

"Hey both of you, that's enough." Y/N said giggling.

"But he ruined our moment." I replied without looking at her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Kenchin plead.

"Manjiro stop it already!" Y/N said sternly. Just how fast her mood changes? She's mad now.

I immediately go down and walked over to Y/N.

"I'm sorry..." I said softly with my face down. I heard Kenchin chuckled so I glared at him.

"I'm not mad. I just don't want you to use violence anymore.... I get that you're the Invincible Mikey and all but please.." Y/N explained.

"Yes. Okay. I promise." I said and we pinky promise.

"Oi stop your lovey-dovey now because here comes everyone." Kenchin, once again interrupted our moment and points at their direction.

Everyone starts running towards us. I gripped on Y/N's hand tighter so she won't go anywhere. We faced everyone like they are some kind of big wave coming at us. We braced ourselves.

They all jump at us so we all go down to the water. I manage to keep Y/N safe by pushing her away from the guys.

I got up and and asked her "are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." She said as she giggled at us.

Everyone was playing, enjoying their selves. It was getting physical and messy.

"Come on, hop on my shoulders." I told Y/N.

"No. It's okay.." she replied but suddenly Peh Yan accidentally pushed her.

I looked at her and offered my shoulders again. This time she nods. I go underwater for her to hop on my shoulders.

Everyone looked at us, and decided to imitate us. Takemichi and Hina. Mitsuya and Hakkai. Chifuyu and Kazutora. Pah Chin and Peh Yan. Smiley and Angry. Draken was the only one without a partner. How I wish Emma is here also...

After a while of fooling around, Y/N and I decided to go back. Y/N and I will be sharing a room. I know what you're thinking. No. I will not do something to her if she's not ready yet.

Y/N come out with only towel wrapped around her. Water dripping from her hair. I gulped and looked away immediately.

I grab my towel and went to the bathroom quickly. Maybe the water will wash away this feeling.

After I took a bath, I went out and saw Y/N already dressed and she was watching the TV. She's so focused that she didn't noticed me. I took my clothes and start to dressed up.

"Hey.." I said softly sitting beside her.

She looked at me and smile "Let's watch the sunset, Manjiro."

I smiled back at her and nod. Once again, she offered her hand to me and I took it.

As we're walking, I put my arms on her shoulders and she hold my hand from there.

I wouldn't explain what I'm feeling right now. My heart is racing. All I know is that I really love her and that I'm happy finally...

We sat down on the sand and looked at the fiery sunset. It was beautiful and so is Y/N.

"Who knew ending could be this beautiful?" Y/N said while looking at the sunset. I didn't bother to watch the sunset, I was busy admiring this view beside me... Y/N.

I smiled and say "You're beautiful..."

She looked at me and blush from what I said. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

She looked back at the sunset and say "I'm really happy that we met again... thank you for coming into my life again."

"I should be the one thanking you. You brought happiness to me. My life is getting better because of you." I replied.

She smiled and give me a peck on my lips and said "I love you."

"I love you more.." I replied and gave her a kiss also.

"No. I love you much more." She replied back.

"Nope. I love you the most." I said crossing my arms.

We looked at each other and burst out laughing at our silliness. I miss this. I miss our bonding time like this. It feels like we have our own world.

"You know I have friend. Her name is Miyuki. She was a stripper like me." Y/N said.

"Ehh?" I said.

Did I hear that right? Y/N? Stripper? When?

"I only dance in front of the customers. I didn't sleep with anyone if that's what you're curious about." She replied.

"No. Why? Why did you became like that?" I asked.

Is it because of me?

"My parents died. The normal job at the convenience store was not enough." Y/N replied.

I'm so stupid. I let her to be all alone. I was not there for her. It must have been so difficult for her.

"Don't worry. I'm okay now that I have you." Y/N looked at me and smiled.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for you... I promise, I'll be by your side from now on. I'll make it up to you." I said and kiss her hand.

"I'll stay with you as long as I can..." She said. A tear fell down on her cheek.

"Why are you crying?" I asked her. Worried about her sudden tears.

"No. It's nothing.... I'm just happy. Really happy. My heart hurts in a good way." Y/N said wiping her tears.

She rest her head on my shoulder. We didn't talked. We just watch until the sun goes down completely.

"Oi Lovebirds!!! The table is ready. Come back now!!" A familiar voice ONCE AGAIN ruined our moment.



Thank you for 14.5k reads 🥺❤️

You all guys stay safe.


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