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After the wedding, Mitsuya just dropped me off at my apartment. I took a quick shower and head to bed.

I woke up from the sound of the doorbell. I groaned standing out.

"I'm coming!!" I shout to stop whoever was it. I opened the door with half eye closed.

"Delivery for Ms. Y/N." The delivery guy said. I was still half asleep so I just blinked my eyes at him.

"Please sign this." He spoke again handing me the paper.

"Oh. Sorry." I signed. "Thank you." I said giving him a fake smile.

I closed the door and examined the package. It was a box of flowers with chocolates in the middle.

 It was a box of flowers with chocolates in the middle

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And a letter.....

I miss that beautiful
smile for yours.
I miss you.


My heart skip a beat when I realized.

M??!! Fuck!!!! What does he want now? No. Nooo. I know you still love him Y/N but behave yourself. If he's sorry, he's gonna do better than that. Give him a hard time.

"Yes. That's right. I'll play hard to get." I said to myself and start laughing. What a crazy woman.


Today's my day off so I'm just here at home. If you're wondering, Miyuki moved out. She found her love. He's a businessman and he's a good looking guy. He's nice also so I don't have to worry about her.

So yeah back to the topic. Everyday Mikey's been sending me a boxes/ bouquets of flower. Different flowers everyday that my apartment start to look like a flower shop.

I'm gonna grade him B+ for the effort. It's not enough..

I wonder what will he send me this time?

I start my day as usual. Make myself coffee and sit on my table to binge watch my currently favorite show. I looked at the clock, it's already 12 noon.

Mikey's gift usually arrived at 11 in the morning but it was nothing this time.

"No. Stop expecting Y/N." I shook my head and focus on the show.

I keep on constantly looking at the clock. I couldn't concentrate.

"Fuck this!!!" I said to myself and march through the door to check if anything was left behind by the delivery guy.

I kinda felt disappointed when I saw nothing outside. I felt a sting pain in my heart.

Maybe he already gave up.


The next day, I went to work early. I opened the shop and wait for Mitsuya. I was really excited because Hina will stop by to plan her wedding dress.

"You're early today." Mitsuya entered holding a cup of coffee.

"No I'm not. You're just late." I said and 'bleh' at him.

We just chat while waiting for Hina. After an hour, she arrived.

"Hinachan!! I'm so excited for your wedding!!!" I said hugging her.

"Oi Takachan, we have to make her the best wedding gown." I looked at Mitsuya and he laughed.

"Yes. Yes. Don't worry Hina. Just trust me." Mitsuya said and Hina just nod and smile.

After hours of planning, Hina said goodbye, she and Takemichi still have food tasting to go to.

"Come on, grab your things and let's go." Mitsuya said packing his things.

"Why? Where are we going?" I asked him.

"We have a private client. We're gonna take his measurements for his suit." He said.

"Can't he just go here?" I asked again confused.

"No. He wants us to go to his house. Come on, stop asking questions and let's go already. We're gonna be late." He said and after that I didn't asked him anymore.


We arrived at some private property. The gate was far from the actual house. It was a big modern japanese house. There was a pool outside and a big garden.

I really like this house. This is kinda look like my dream house that I drew when I was I kid.

Mitsuya rang the doorbell, after a few seconds the maid opened it.

"Master is waiting for you guys in his room. It's this way." The maid guide us through the house.

I couldn't help but admire the interior design of the house. It was minimalist design.

"Sir, your guests are here. I'm gonna open the door now." The maid slowly open the door and I was shocked? Surprised? Confused? I don't know what I'm feeling when I saw that DORAYAKI SIMP sitting at his chair.


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