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I told Mikey to stay away from me. I was just testing him to see if he's really sincere about this. I didn't think he'd actually leave.

I was disappointed of myself. How can I expect that much? He left me once, he's gonna do it again.

I cried myself again to sleep. How can I still love him after what he did....


I woke up from the doorbell. I got up still half asleep. I opened the door and I almost jump when I saw Mikey holding up a 2 bags of I think food because I can smell the soup.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. I didn't expect to see him after I told him to stay away from me.

"I bought you some breakfast. Do you still have migraine?" He said and went inside. This guy, I didn't even invite him to come inside.

"I know you told me to stay away but I'm not going to do that." He spoke again. "Come on and just eat this. I'll leave once you finish this."

He prepared the food. He acts like it's his house. The fuck?! I just sat there watching him.

I can't understand what I'm feeling right now. This is my first time to see this side of Mikey. I can't help but to be happy.

"Here, eat this now." Mikey trying to feed me. My heart is screaming right now. I can feel my face burning.

"I can eat on my own." I grab the spoon and eat by myself. I heard him sighed.

"I finished it. Now, leave already." I said and point at the door.

"Fine. I'll buy you lunch later so you don't have to cook. Just rest okay? I'll see you later." Mikey said and he left.

What's up with that guy? Is this his way on trying to win me back? This is killing me.

Some part of me don't want to admit that I was really happy with his actions. I'm kinda excited to him later.


It was already 12 noon. I am waiting for Mikey to arrive. I'm excited to see him. I just don't want to admit it.

Ding dong...

The doorbell rang. I immediately got up to open the door. I almost tripped on the floor. When I reach the front door, I compose myself and act like he's a bother to me.

"I bought Ebi fry and Tonkatsu." Mikey said smiling. He went inside and I closed the door.

I sat there again watching him prepare the food. I stare at him. He really change a lot. He got tattoos now. His hair is different. I prefer the old one. He got some muscles now. The only thing that didn't change was his eyes. It's that same cold empty eyes.

"Here. Eat this." Mikey hands me the food.

"Thanks." I said. "You're not going to eat?" I asked.

"No. I'll just eat later at my house." He said sitting in front of me.

"Okay." I said and I start to eat.

After I finished, he washed the dishes as usual. I told him to stop but he insisted.

"I can't come later. I have some important meeting but I already ordered dinner for later. It's supposed to arrive at 7pm. So just eat that and rest, okay?" Mikey said.

"Yeah sure whatever." I said.

I kinda felt disappointed that he's not coming later. But of course I didn't show it to him.

See, I already got attached to him. It's only been 2 days. For fuck's sake Y/N!!!

After Mikey left, I just binge watched my favorite show. I didn't notice that it's already 7:30 in the evening, no wonder my eyes hurts.

Dinner was supposed to arrive at 7pm, that's what Mikey said. Maybe it's just late. I'll wait just a little bit. I want to eat what Mikey bought for me.

It's 8pm and I heard the doorbell rang. Maybe it's the food. I got up to open the door. I'm just wearing my oversized shirt with just underwear underneath.

"What are you doing here?!" My heart skips a beat when I saw Mikey. He's still wearing his suit. I didn't expect him to come. He said he had important meeting.

"I finished the meeting immediately so I could come. Are you hungry already? Come on. I'll prepare this quickly." He said and went inside.

Did he just finish the meeting so he can come and bring me dinner? What is wrong with him? You're killing me Mikey!!!!

"Can I eat here also? I'm kinda hungry already." He asked and chuckled. He's cute when he's shy...

"It's okay. Suit yourself." I said trying to be emotionless bitch but inside I am screaming.

Waaahhh. Is this really Mikey? What happened to that asshole Mikey?

He handed me the food and we start eating together. He keeps on staring at me and blush every time. He's distracting me.

"What the fuck are you staring at?" I asked.

"Ummm...i-its..just.." He's stuttering and can't continue his words so he just point my chest and looked away.

I looked at my chest to check if there's maybe food the fell down but "WAAAHHH!!! YOU PERVERT!!!" I shout when I realized I'm not wearing a bra.

I run to my room and put on a bra. When I went out, I saw Mikey washing the dishes. I can't bring myself to be mad at him. It's my fault that I don't wear a bra. But still....

"You can leave now pervert!" I said almost shouting.. I'm so embarrassed.

"Technically it's not my fault that you didn't wear a bra. I tried to ignore it but it's distracting me from eating." He explained.

Fuckkkk!!! What is wrong with you Y/N?

"Shhh. Stop talking and get out already." I shush him. I can't face him.

"Fine. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight." He said and leave.

What is wrong with me? So embarrassing....

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