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I had woken up from the beating pain in my head. Yes. Hangover. This is the only downside of drinking. After all that fun and dancing, it's gonna cost you atleast day of recovery.

The last thing I remember was when Mikey was here. I know what happened last night. I remember it all. I don't regret it. I only said what's on my heart.

I looked around to find Mikey, but he's not here. Instead a glass of water and a medicine and a note.

I figured you'll have a hangover.
Drink this and rest well.
I just have something to take care of.


I did what the note say. I drink the medicine and rest some more. I wonder if he sleep here or he just left after my break down moment.

I took my phone and text Mitsuya. I need a day off to recover. My head is still spinning. I feel like throwing up.

To: Takachan

Takachan, I'll take a day off today.
My hangover is killing me.


I put down my phone on my night and tried to sleep again. After few minutes attempts, I dozed off.


Ring ring....

A phone call woke up. I looked at the clock and it's already 6pm. I slept the entire day. Good thing the headache was gone. I'm feeling much better now since earlier.

I looked at my phone to see who's calling "Rindou? What the hell does he want now?" I said to myself. I was hesitating to answer because every time he calls, he begging me to fuck him. I pressed the green button.

Y/N: What?

Rindou: You have to come here.

Y/N: No. We had one night stand and that's it. Not gonna happen again.

Rindou: No it's not that. It's Mikey. ( no wonder I can sense the panicking in his voice )

Y/N: Why? What happened?

Rindou: I don't know I'm not a doctor. All I know is his body is shaking like crazy and he's burning up.

Y/N: Where are you?!

Rindou: We're at the mansion. Hurry!!

End call....

I got up, call an uber and put on the first thing I saw on my cabinet and hurried outside. My heart is racing and I don't know what to do. Mikey needs me. This time I wanna be there for him.

My uber arrived and I hop inside.

"Hurry please!!" I told the driver. I am panicking right now. I don't really know what happened but I just know that it's something bad.


We arrived at the mansion. I run to the door and knocked aggressively. I feel the adrenaline rushing throughout my body.

After a few seconds, Rindou open the door. "Where's Mikey?!" I asked.

"In his room." He replied.

I run around through the house. Opening every door I see. I'm not really familiar with their mansion. It's too big for me to get used to.

After several tries, I found his room. It's at the end on the second floor. I went inside. I can see his body shivering.

"Hey. What happened to you?" I asked. I put my palm in his forehead to check his temperature. "Oh my god! You're burning up." I exclaimed.

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