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Mikey's POV

Days have passed since Y/N's moved in with me and all we did was eat, sleep, cuddle and movie night. Well, I'm not complaining though.

Today, my surprise will arrive and I can't wait to see her reaction. I hope she loves it.

I slowly got up, afraid I'm going to wake the monster. Why monster? Well, one time I took a shower early in the morning and I was being too loud and I accidentally woke her up and jeeezzz... she yelled at me saying she's having the nicest dream with Gojo and that I ruined it.

She completely turned into a different person. She threw all the pillows at me. She didn't speak to me till evening, she just keeps glaring at me. So yeah, I'm really terrified of her.

I went to the kitchen and made myself a coffee. I scrolled through my phone for Sanzu's updates about the business when my phone suddenly rang, it was Y/N calling..

"Where are you? I want my morning cuddle, Manjiro.....and coffee please." She said in her raspy morning voice.

"Good morning to you too... okay I'm coming now." I said and she ended the call. She's the boss now.

I made her a coffee and brought it to our room. I placed it on our side table and I went to Y/N who's still covered in blanket.

"Hey..." I said softly and lay down beside her.

"Mmmm..." she hums as she wrapped her arms around me.

I really love it when she bury her face on my chest and hug me tightly.

"I have a surprise for you later.." I whispered to her.

"What's that? You know I really hate surprises.." She mumbled.

"I know.. but this is the last time." I replied.

"You're too nice and I love you for that." She said getting up.

"Only to you, my love." I said and kiss her.

We got up and start our day by drinking our coffee while minding our own businesses. I check on the business with Sanzu while she checks on Mitsuya or Hina.

Then we went downstairs to take a walk on the garden. Well, I can't have her on the living room cause the staff is setting up my surprise.

We walked through the garden with our fingers intertwined, admiring all the flowers and plants.

"How many kids do you want Manjiro?" She asked.

I choke at my own saliva by her sudden question.

"Are you okay?" She said while rubbing my back.

"I'm fine. I'm just surprised by your question." I replied.

"So, how many?" She asked again.

"I think it's up to you because you're the one who's going to be carrying the baby but maybe 10?" I said smiling.

Well, I want to spread my genes. I know our children will look good cause their mommy and daddy are both so fine.

She gasp and said "10? Manjiro that's a lot.. I only want 3."

"Fine. Then 3 it is." I said and kiss her hand.

After a while, we went back to our house. I blindfold her using my hands as we walked to the living room.

"Are you ready?" I whispered to her ear.

"Yes. I'm ready." She replied.

I removed my hands from her eyes.

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