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Mikey's POV

Today is Takemichi's wedding. I'm excited to see everyone again. I'm really happy for Takemichi and Hina. After all these years, they're still together.

I wonder if I didn't push Y/N away that time, will we still be together now?

I got up and start to get ready. The wedding will start at 5 in the afternoon. I want to go with Y/N but she will go with Mitsuya.

It's not like I'm expecting that she will go with me. I mean yes we've been closer now but there's still this space or wall between us.

I took a bath and put on my suit. I wore this all black  suit and white tie. I fix my hair and head out.


I arrived earlier than I expected. Mitsuya and Y/N are already here. Y/N wore this beautiful dress. She really looks like an angel. She's so perfect in every way...

I walked up to Draken to catch up but I can't help myself to look at Y/N

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I walked up to Draken to catch up but I can't help myself to look at Y/N.

"You should talk to her Mikey. Don't just steal glances at her." Draken said.

"No, I don't know what to say to her. Beside she will sing later. I don't want to distract her." I said. Draken just shrugged his shoulders.

The ceremony is starting.

Everyone start to line up. The first one to walk was the groom, Takemichi. Second were me and Draken. Followed by Chifuyu. Next was Mitsuya and Y/N.

She looks so beautiful. Every part of her is perfect. Thank God I found her again.



Mitsuya and I walked the aisle together. I saw Mikey staring at me. His eyes were shining.

Is he crying?

He looked away when we're near them. He wipe his tears and look back at us smiling. He's still a soft baby just like before.

When I saw Hina walking down the aisle, I can't help but cry. I'm so happy for them. I mean, 12 years and they're still together. I hope I can have my happy ending too.

Through out the ceremony, I was crying. I don't care on how I look. I am happy for them. Hearing their vows, makes me smile and cry at the same time. Good thing Mitsuya brought a lot of tissue.

At the reception, Mitsuya, Draken, Mikey and I were on the same table. It's kinda awkward actually. My eyes are still puffy from earlier.

"I want to call Ms. Yamada Y/N here in the front to sing for our newlyweds on their first dance as a husband and wife." The host said.

I almost forgot about this singing thing. I got up and grab my glass of champagne.

"Thank you. Actually, Takemichi beg me to sing for you Hina." I laughed. "I don't really know what to sing right now but someone suggested me this song and I think he's right. Hina, I hope you like it."


Mikey's POV

Y/N start to sing. God I missed her voice. Her angelic voice.

Only Hope by Mandy Moore

Sing to me the song of the stars
Of Your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that You have for me over again

Everyone was captivated by her voice. Hina is crying right now.

I give You my destiny
I'm giving You all of me
I want Your symphony
Singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs
I'm giving it back

I wonder if she knows. This song is what I feel about her.

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only Yours, I pray
To be only Yours, I pray
To be only Yours
I know now
You're my Only Hope

I really pray for us to have a happy ending Y/N. I know it seems too much but please just this time. Just let us have a happy ending.



Everyone clapped their hands. Hina rushed to me and hug me. I guess she loved it. I looked over on our table, Mikey's not there. I wanna thank him for suggesting that song.

I wonder where he is.....

I went to the bar to get some drink but I was surprised to see Mikey there. He's drinking by himself.

"Can I join you?" I asked. He seems surprised to see me. I didn't wait for his answer. I sat beside him.

"Thank you for suggesting that. I forgot how beautiful that song is." I said.

"Ooh. You're welcome. That song is special for me." He said and sip on his drink.

"Ohh really? Why?" I asked.

"That's a secret." He said and smiled at me.

This guys really likes teasing me. We already drank a few glass now. We didn't talk to each other. We just drink one glass after one.

"I am sorry for everything Y/N. I really mean it. Ever since that day, I always think about you. If I could only bring back time, I'll hug you and never let you go." Mikey said with his face down. I could tell his sincerity.

"I know." I replied. He looks up to me teary eyed. "Come on, let's go back." I offered my hand to him.

I don't know what I'm doing. My body is moving on its own. Maybe the alcohol is kicking in.

He took my hand and we walked together.

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