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Mikey's POV

As we lay down wrapped around each other, "so what now?" She asked.

"I'll get you a first class doctor. You'll have a surgery." I told her.

"Wait... that's not your decision to make." She said as she sat up on the bed.

"What's stopping you? Don't you wanna live longer with me?" I asked. I feel like I was forcing her but I don't care right now. She should have the surgery.

"God knows how much I wanna stay longer with you.. but I don't want to risk my present here with you." She said. Her voice was getting louder.

"You have to think of the future Y/N. Take the risk." I said.

"That's easy for you to say if you're not in my position." She replied.

"Why do you have to be so stubborn right now? You're gonna get surgery and that's final." I said sternly.


"Why are you so mad? I just want you to live!!" I said in a louder voice hoping that my voice will somehow reached her so she can understand where I'm coming from..

"But you're asking me to risk my current life here with you. What if I don't make it? Huh? I don't want to leave you like that." She replied, her voice is shaking.

"You're gonna make it. I'm sure of that.." I said in a comforting voice.

"Stop saying things you don't know nothing about." She replied without looking at me.

"Yeah. Maybe I don't know nothing about it, but if I was you, I'm gonna go with it if that means I'll have a chance to spend the rest of my life with you." I said and walked away.

I walked out before we could say anything that we didn't mean. I just need to cool down myself and think.



"Yeah. Maybe I don't know nothing about it, but if I was you, I'm gonna go with it if that means I'll have a chance to spend the rest of my life with you."

Wait... why am I like this? Why am I not considering that possibility? That I'll make it?

I heard a knock and the door opened. It was Mitsuya.

"How are you feeling?" He asked and smiled.

"Why am I like this Takachan? What am I going to do?" I asked.

"Okay. What is it that you want?" He asked.

"Of course I wanna live.... but I'm scared." I replied.

"We know that you're scared, we are too but try to think of this as a chance, your second life and not a risk that you're so afraid of." He said.

Why does Mitsuya always sounds reasonable and calm? He's right. I'm not the only one who's afraid...

"We're here for you.. to give you the support you need specially Mikey. He's been so worried about you. I saw him earlier in the hallway, that's the first time I saw him breakdown in front of others. I know that he's really scared too, he's just good at hiding it." He add and I was stunned.

He's right.. why didn't I realize this before? I was too focused on myself that I didn't even consider Mikey's feeling. I was so selfish. Stupid Y/N!!!

I got up from the bed and asked "Where's Mikey? I need to talk to him."

"No. Just rest. I'll go find him for you." He said and put me back on the bed.

"Thank you for everything Takachan." I said.

"That's what bestfriends are for." He said and winked at me.

As Mitsuya left, I was there, patiently waiting. Practicing on how will I say sorry to Mikey. I said things I shouldn't have said.

I know now. I have to do this not just for myself but also for Mikey. I need to make it so he won't be alone again. I'll fight for my life for him.


Mikey's POV

As I was walking my way back to Y/N's room, I bumped into Mitsuya.

"Y/N is looking for you." He smiled, pat my shoulder and walked away..

I walked faster and reached her room. I slowly open the door and there I saw her, sitting on her bed.. staring at windows as her hair flew by the wind.

I can't lose her. I don't wanna lose her. She's everything.

I walked inside and she looked at me "I'm sorry..." we both said in unison.

I sat beside her and hold her hand. "I'm sorry for what I've said. I'm just so afraid to lose you. I love you so much.." i said and kissed her hand.

She smiled and a tear fell down on her cheek. "I'm gonna go for it. The surgery. I'll do it." She said.

I can't seem to process what she just said. I was already thinking of going with her if she dies. But I didn't expect this.

"Manjiro?" She said and I came back to my senses.

"I'll be here for you always. I won't leave you. I'll go wherever you go." I said as I kissed her forehead.

"I love you......thank you for everything." She replied and hugged me.

Her warmth is addicting. It's swallowing me. I can't lose this. I won't lose this.

I went outside quickly and informed the doctor about Y/N's decision.


"That's so brave of you Ms. Y/N. Okay. I'll inform Dr. Yamamoto about your decision. I'm sure, he'll be happy to hear it." The doctor said.

"Thank you doc..... so when's the surgery?" Y/N asked.

"We'll schedule it as soon as possible but for now, we need to prepare your body for the operation. Healthy lifestyle. Try to avoid stress if possible. No alcohol for now. Try to exercise too or maybe just take a walk. You can also do some light sports." He explained.

"I'll try to contact some hospitals too." I offered.

"That'll be great Mr. Sano. I'll give you my number, you can call me anytime for updates." He said and gave me his calling card.

"Now, you two can go home. Have some rest and just be happy. Give her some motivation to help her make it through the operation." He said smiling and he walked away...

"I already called my driver, he's on his way here." I told Y/N.

She smiled and rest her head on my shoulder...

"We're going home." I whispered and kissed her forehead once again.

"I'm already home.... you are my home, Manjiro."


I made a twitter account, its @riechaaan_

I'd love to talk to you guys about anything.. life, lovelife, work..

Thank you for supporting my story..

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I LOVE YOU GUYS 🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️

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