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Tonight is the festival and here I am, working. The one who is supposed to be working today is Yuki-san. She's been good to me. She's like my older sister. Her mom is at the hospital so she asked me to cover for her. I couldn't say no to her. Not after hearing what happened.

It's okay.. Mikey didn't even ask me going so why bother?


To: Y/N

Wish you're with us. We miss you. Emma said hi. ☺️


Yeah me too, I wish I was there.

I got up and start organizing some stocks and arranged them properly. I didn't reply to her, she should enjoy her lovey dovey night with Takemichi.

I checked the bento boxes to see the expiration date. Yeah. I was keeping myself busy. If I keep sulking here,
I'll just become sad.

I felt my heart tightening again. I sat down on floor, trying to catch my breath. After a few minutes, it stops.

What is happening to me? Maybe I should go to the hospital.

I looked at the clock, it's already 9pm. I packed up ready to go home but suddenly my phone rang...

Hina-chan is calling....

"Hello? What happened?" I got worried because she's panicking and crying.

"We're here at XXX Hospital. Draken got stabbed." She said. I hung up and run to the said hospital.

I saw Hina, Emma, Takemichi and his friends waiting outside the operating room. I run to them and hug Emma who is crying her heart out. I know Emma likes Draken. Actually they're like Mikey and I. Afraid to tell each other's feelings. "Draken's gonna be fine. He's strong." I said trying to calm her down.

The door open and I saw Mitsuya and Peh Yan running to us, after a few seconds Mikey enter.. I saw Mikey's eyes. The kind of eyes I don't want to see. Empty, cold and emotionless eyes.

Maybe he didn't see me because he walk past me and talk to Takemichi about Draken. I'm trying to process why did he ignore me. Maybe he's so worried about Draken that he didn't notice me.

I tap his shoulder to catch his attention. "Hey. Don't worry. Draken will be okay." I said while smiling. I'm trying to be positive, I don't want to add to his problems.

"Yeah. I know." He said coldly. I didn't bother asking him another questions. I just stay by his side while waiting.

"He's gonna be okay." said the doctor.

We all sighed in relief.. Takemichi even shout. Thank God!!!!

Mikey suddenly went out. I followed him and saw he's sitting behind the building. I was shocked to see him cry.  This is the first time I'm seeing him like this. He doesn't like to show weakness.

I couldn't stop my tears as I watched Mikey's breakdown. I wanted to hug him and tell him that's it's okay to cry. I wanted to be by his side. But I know that if I go to him, he'll probably feel embarrassed. I don't know anymore..

I walked to my apartment. I didn't say goodbye to everyone because ONE, my eyes are soooo puffy from crying and TWO, I felt my heart tightening again but with dizziness and shortness of breath this time.

When I get my salary this month, I will to go to hospital to get myself check.

I went straight to the bathroom to vomit.. I was crying on the floor not because of the pain but because I felt so alone.

I cleaned myself up and throw myself to bed. I grab my phone and decided to text everyone, feeling guilty that I didn't say goodbye.

To: Hina, Emma, Takemichi, Taka-chan and Manjiro.

Sorry I went home already.
I forgot to say goodbye.

- Y/N

I stare at the ceiling while waiting for their reply.

I felt so sad but I don't know why. My mind keeps telling me that I am alone. I'm not alone, right? I mean I have friends, Mikey and my parents.

After 30 minutes of waiting, there's nothing.. no one replied.

I felt there's a lumpin my throat.. i try my best to hold back my tears. But I can't.

I cry and cry harder to releasing all my emotions.

I am alone. From the very beginning I was alone. My parents don't care about me. My friends are fine without me. It was dumb of me to think that somehow everyone I care about will always have my back.

This is not the first time I was crying myself to sleep.


Sorry for my poor writing skills. I just got home from work and I wanted to publish new episode.
Well basically, Y/N is suffering from mild depression due to her parents.

Yeah. Thanks for reading. ^_^v

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