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The last 3 chapters, I wanted to give our characters a good time.. not just fighting..

So back to the story..


I feel like Mikey and I have been closer since his birthday. Since our first kiss. I was so happy that I cried. Actually the reason why I went inside quickly was because my heart is tightening again. I had to drink my medicine right away. Well I don't want Mikey to know about my condition. Everyone rather. Not yet...

The past few weeks, I've become close to everyone not just Mikey. I really want to spend more time with them. I been joining Toman's Meeting. Mikey doesn't want me to go but I beg Baji. Baji is the best. He's been spoiling me. Doing whatever I want. Like picnics or whatever. Of course, Mikey's busy. But at the of the day, Mikey always make sure to check on me.

Plus the reason why I hangout with Baji, I think something is bothering him. Whenever I ask him what's wrong he always change the topic. I don't want to impose or anything. Maybe it's personal, I don't know.

Today's Saturday. I have to go to the clinic to pick up my medicine. And after that maybe I'll ask Mikey to hangout with me.

I got up. Put on my usual clothes. Sweatpants and a hoodie since it's chilly already. I got my morning coffee as usual.

Oh and I bought a bike. It's not brand new but it's fine. So I don't have to walk every time plus exercise too. I rode my bike to the clinic. I got my medicine and left.

I make a quick stop at the bookstore.. and then went home. I grab my phone and text Mikey and took a nap.

To: Manjiro

Are you busy? Come hangout with me. I'm bored. 🙃


I slowly open my eyes as I heard a knock. I got up rubbing my eyes and open the door. It's Mikey.

"Come inside." i said in sleepy voice. He doesn't say anything. He just went inside. He sat on the couch while I prepare coffee to wake me up.

"Baji left Toman last night." He said. I look at him and saw that kind of eyes again. The cold, empty eyes. The eyes I don't want to see.

"Why? What happened?" I asked. "I'll try to talk him. I'll bring him back. I promise." I added. Maybe this is what's bothering Baji. I need to talk to him. I need to know what happened. I don't want see Mikey like this. I also don't want Baji to leave Toman.

Our day ended and all I did was calm Mikey down. I tried to cheer him up but nothing happened. When you ask him about something, he just answer your question and goes silent again. I need to bring back Baji.

After Mikey left, I immediately call Baji.

Calling Baji-san....

Y/N: Hello?
Baji: What?
Y/N: Can we meet?
Baji: Why?
Y/N: We need to talk please.
Baji: I don't have anything to say to you.

He hung up. I really need to talk to Baji. So I decided to call Chifuyu.

Calling Chifuyu...

Chifuyu: Hello? Who's this?
Y/N: it's Y/N. I need to talk to Baji. Are you with him?
Chifuyu: No. he's not with me but later Takemichi and I will meet him. You can join if you want.
Y/N: Okay. Thank you so much. Text me the time and place. I'll be there.

At the meeting place....

I was so anxious about this. I don't know what to say to Baji to bring him back to Toman. All I know is something's bad gonna happen.

I saw Baji and I didn't waste any second I ran to him and hug him. He seemed shocked when he saw me. He didn't expect to see me after all. I saw him glared at Chifuyu.

"What happened? Why did you leave Toman?" I asked. "It's none of your business Y/N." he replied. "It's my business. You're my friend, Baji-san. Talk to me please." I said, almost crying. "You shouldn't be involved in this. Please. Stay out of this." He said while holding both of my shoulders. "How can I stay out of this? You guys are my friends. I don't want to see you guys fight. Please. I'm begging you Baji-san. Please." I couldn't help but cry.

Baji's POV

"I'm begging you Baji-san. Please." she's crying because of me. I can't stand this. I'm hurting Y/N but I can't back down now. "I'm sorry Y/N. Please forgive me." I hug Y/N and walk away.

I need to fix this on my own.


I looked at Baji's back slowly fading away as he walks. I felt like my heart is being stabbed. I grab my bag and look for my medicine but I couldn't find it.

I panicked when I realized I left it at home. I was grasping for air. "H-help...m-me.." I said holding my chest.

Chifuyu and Takemichi run to me and rushed to the hospital. I explained to them what happened to me. Well I only them that I have a asthma.

"Please don't tell the others about this. Promise me." I said bowing my head and putting my hands in like praying. I don't know what to call them.

"Okay fine. But please, don't scared us like that. We thought you're going to die." Chifuyu said. I can really tell, they're worried.

I'm sorry for lying about my condition..

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