Birthday Surprises

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On a desolate coast of the Isle of Wight sat a lonely double story farmhouse. The sun had just risen and an early autumnal breeze blew across the landscape as a boy slept peacefully in his bed.

For the last three years Y/N had moved around, a lot. Jacob had a number of safehouses across Britain, Ireland and Europe and they were always on the move. Never keep in one place to long. Never give them a chance to find you.

Y/N had no clue who 'they' were, Death Eaters probably, but he learnt long ago through pain never to question Jacob's authority.

Between moving between safe houses they stayed with others on the road- wizards and witches, not to mention half breeds, all of whom would assist in Y/N's training. But they had been in this house for the past fortnight and Y/N was grateful. At least this one had a bed.

Y/N was sleeping peacefully when suddenly he awoke to a shock. He was flung out of bed and across the room, magically pinned to the wall. He looked around angrily to see the source of his uncomfortable situation but none could be found.

"Merlin's beard Jacob could you just say good morning like a normal person" Y/N yelled.

Jacob emerged from the disillusionment charm he had cast over himself with a scowl on his face.

"Not good enough Y/N, not nearly good enough. You still sleep too heavily!"

Y/N was struggling against the magical bonds that held him in place as returned his brother's scowl.

"Yes sir... but most people would simply say happy birthday to their younger brother, not attack them when they are asleep" he grumbled.

"CONSTANT VIGILANCE" Jacob screamed at his youngest brother before there was the distraction of Y/N's bedroom door opening.


Dean and Penny had arrived at the small farmstead and looked around at the ruins in front of them. The place was warded heavily, any muggles who approached would feel the urge to run home, likewise any witch or wizard not granted access would feel sharp pains in their abdomen the closer they got to the home. Fortunately Dean and Penny were on the list to be able to enter.

It had been three months since they had seen Y/N. Jacob would occasionally stop by their apartment in St John's Wood, but when pressed as to Y/N's location they were always told 'he's training'.

"At least we finally get to see Cutie Pie" Penny smiled to her boyfriend as they entered the dishevelled home. Dean turned to answer before he was cut off by screaming from upstairs:


The couple looked at each other shocked before rushing upstairs. They stormed into the room, Dean yelling:

"What the hell is all this yelling... oh for fuck's sake Jacob. Put him down now".

Dean and Penny were both shocked to see the young boy magically pinned against the wall.

Jacob ignored his younger brother and continued to berate his young ward:

"You think our enemies will be so forgiving Y/N? You think they will wait til you are ready?"

The magical bonds tightened making Y/N grunt in discomfort as he looked down from Jacob's fierce glare.

"..... No sir" Y/N answered, trying to look anywhere but the sympathetic eyes of Penny.

Jacob continued to death stare the young boy before feeling a poke in the side of the neck.

"Release him. Now" Dean told Jacob sternly as his wand dug into his neck.

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