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A/N: This wasn't a fun one to write. Uh... enjoy? Merry Christmas everyone.

Katie's soft lips gently pressed against Y/N's. His eyes widened in shock before they closed.

Katie was overjoyed when she felt Y/N kiss back.

Her lips were soft, he could taste her cherry lip gloss as their lips moved together in unison. It was nice for both of them- Katie feeling her stomach exploding with butterflies. Y/N felt like a man, felt the loving touch he so desperately craved.

The two parted, the dizzying effect of a lack of oxygen forcing them apart. Katie was smiling widely, Y/N was wearing his cocky smirk. Katie giggled as she ran a finger across Y/N's chest and abdomen. She looked up into his eyes:

"That was amazing. That was my first kiss".

Y/N chuckled as he replied: "mine too".

"So... do you want to be my boyfriend?" Katie asked, her nervousness plastered on her face.

Y/N looked at her and considered her words. She seemed really nice, and if he was being honest he did like her, a lot. He had been shattered when Hermione had asked for distance, he felt like a big hole had been torn open inside him. He wanted desperately to fill it. Maybe this was the way.

It seemed like an eternity to Katie since she asked Y/N out. She smiled in relief when his smirk broke into a full smile and he nodded:

"Yeah... yeah I do Katie".

She squealed in excitement and happiness before the new couple leant in and kissed again.


Hermione had been sat on the group's couch nervously. The party had been going for about an hour, celebrating Gryffindor's Quidditch Cup win, but there was still no sign of Y/N or, as Lavender had noticed immediately, of Katie.

Y/N finally entered the common room wearing a tight t-shirt. He really needed to buy more clothes over summer.

The Common Room erupted for their hero as he entered, tall and proud, head held high. There were numerous hugs and handshakes as he made his way over to his friends. He finally got over to their usual couches and sat next to Hermione, a Butterbeer thrust into his hands by... somebody.

Hermione reached across to hug him, noticing his lips were particularly red. After hugging and congratulating him on the win again, she yelled over the loud music:

"Y/N... are you wearing lip gloss?"

Ron and Harry cracked up laughing. Lavender looked at Y/N with a glare close to hatred. Y/N said to Hermione:

"Can we go somewhere and talk?"

Before she could answer there was a loud cheer. Katie Bell, the last Quidditch player to arrive, had walked in. Lavender's head shot round. She instantly noticed Katie's hair was messed up, her lip gloss smudged on her cheek. Lavender looked round at Y/N, muttering: "arsehole".

The music had stopped between songs, Ron, Harry and Hermione all heard her and looked at her shocked. Lavender continued:

"So you were late getting back?"

Y/N looked at the hatred in Lavender's eyes, replying:

"Yeah, I need to talk to Her-"

"Katie was late too. She looks a mess, you've got lip gloss around your mouth. Something you wanna tell us?"

Hermione looked at Y/N in realisation. She gave him a look he would remember until the day he died. It was a look of a broken heart. She barely managed to stutter out:

For You I Will #1- The Philosopher's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now