Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff

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The group of Gryffindors that had now grown to five with Lavender's addition were sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall having breakfast. It was the morning of Gryffindors second Quidditch match. Y/N chuckled and smirked as he looked over at Harry:

"See you're feeling no better than before the last game Harry."

Harry glanced at his friend and nodded before going back to pick at his toast.

Hermione then smiled as she saw Cedric and Beatrice walking up to the table. She knew Cedric was the Hufflepuff seeker. He and Y/N had been teasing each other since the return from Christmas break about today's match. She nudged her best friend who was, as always, right beside her with a mostly eaten plate of eggs.

Y/N looked at her and she signalled towards the approaching Puffs with her head. Y/N got up to reach them as both he and Cedric held their hands out to grasp before ending with, what Y/N had explained to her, was a 'bro hug'. She giggled at the pair.

"Best of luck today Y/N" Cedric said as they entered the embrace

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"Best of luck today Y/N" Cedric said as they entered the embrace.

"You too Ced. No hard feelings" Y/N replied.

"I should be the one apologising" Ced shot back.

Bea looked at Hermione and they both rolled their eyes and exclaimed at the same time:


"Come on we have to go to the change rooms to get ready

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"Come on we have to go to the change rooms to get ready. You two can argue over whose pee-pee is bigger later" Beatrice laughed.

"Pfft like there's any contest" Y/N chuckled. Cedric was about to reply as Beatrice pulled him away.

As they left the hall Y/N swore he heard Cedric yelling something about 'you're the biggest dick' and laughed at his older friend.

Ron looked at Y/N in his oblivious way and asked "Why were you two measuring your pee-pees?"

Y/N cracked up, laughing hysterically, and Lavender and Hermione both blushed profusely.

Maisy, who was sitting with Angela and the twins on the other side of Harry spoke up.

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