Secret Mission

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Y/N was still confused as to what was going on. Jacob and Moody took turns using the torture curse on Y/N and it was bad... but.....

This was far from the first time Jacob and Moody had used the curse on Y/N, but it didn't hurt as much as before. It still hurt like hell, the feeling of being torn to shreds from the inside out, but Y/N had been able to push through the worst of it, firing off flipendo spells both times he was tortured.

Jacob was extremely happy. He didn't go as far as complimenting Y/N, but he had smiled and said "good" before starting the torture again.

Y/N came to a realisation- Jacob might not be doing this to be mean. It hurt- but Jacob was right, Y/N was getting stronger.

Jacob had always said Y/N's training would pay off. That he would see the results eventually- be stronger, faster, meaner, harder.

Y/N had been stronger today. He had pushed through the worst pain imaginable and incapacitated his attackers. If Y/N could do that he could do anything. His confidence soared.


After an exhausting morning Y/N and Jacob returned to the Isle of Wight safehouse.

"Alright Y/N go read for a while. I'll test you after, make sure you-"

Jacob stopped mid-sentence as they entered the house. Dean was sat there, waiting for them.

"Y/N, go practice on your broom" Jacob said with a serious expression.

Y/N looked between his two elder brothers and nodded, quickly summoning his Nimbus and exiting the house as Dean threw up a silencing charm. He looked at Jacob and said:

"I've spoken to Albus. We need to talk!"


Y/N had been practicing his broomwork for a while. He did sprint drills, rolls, starfish and stick, Wronski feints- everything he could think of before he was called inside.

He assumed Dean and Jacob had had a fight- that was what usually happened. He was surprised when he entered the house to see both men smiling at him.

Y/N was shocked to learn he would spend more time will Dean and Penny. Dean would help teach him curse breaking. Penny would help teach him potions. The icing on the top was that if he worked really hard he could even have one day a fortnight where he could go out with Dean and Penny, anywhere he wanted.

Dean laughed when Y/N had pinched himself. He thought he must be dreaming. Dean smiled at his brother's excitement. Even Jacob had a small smile break out across his face before he quickly hid it behind his usual hardened glare.

Y/N promised to work harder than ever. He was so excited. He saw through the torture curse results that Jacob really did want to make him stronger. He understood now Penny wasn't lying to him, her and Dean really did love him and want him with them. Y/N was happy. He couldn't remember feeling that before.


It had been nearly a year now. Y/N had kept his word and worked harder than ever before.

In his exposure testing in the Forbidden Forest he aced his test- hunting for food, returning to visit his friends in the Centaur camp, sneaking to Hagrid's hut and visiting him on the sly.

For You I Will #1- The Philosopher's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now