Troll in the Dungeons

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It had been nearly a month since the incident with Fluffy, the three headed dog. Things in the first year Gryffindor classes had been tense. Y/N and Ron had refused to talk to each other.

Hermione and Y/N had become even closer, they were practically inseparable at this point- very, very rarely would anyone see one without the other.

Harry had tried his hardest to keep neutral in the Y/N/Ron feud but constantly felt he had to side with Ron. Ron didn't really have many friends except Harry, Y/N though was extremely popular. He would be seen speaking to people from other houses regularly, as well as other Gryffindors. Harry had noticed that Ron would constantly talk badly about Y/N when they were together. Harry also noticed that those rare times he was able to talk to Y/N and Hermione they hadn't mentioned Ron once.

The most time Harry and Y/N got to spend together was at Quidditch training. Harry was learning the moves and drills of a Chaser very well, while Y/N seemed to be getting quicker and quicker at catching the snitch. Hermione never missed a training session rain, hail or shine and was always cheering from the stands.


It was finally Halloween, marking (almost) the two month mark since the students had started at Hogwarts. Everyone was excited for the Halloween feast bar Harry. He wasn't sure how to feel. Halloween marked not only the anniversary of Voldemort's downfall but also his parents' murders.

The students were sitting in Charms class, the last class of the day, and the first years were learning the levitation charm. The only exception was Y/N, who was sat in a corner by himself practicing Avis after getting private instruction from Professor Flitwick.

The rest of the class had been split into pairs and unfortunately, Hermione had been placed with Ron.

Y/N was focused on his bird summoning, twelve small avids flying around his head before he heard Ron talk to Hermione in an extremely disrespectful tone:

"You do it if you're so clever! Go on! Go on!"

Wingardium Leviosa

Hermione's feather flew high in the air

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Hermione's feather flew high in the air. Hermione looked over at Y/N, who was staring at her with a proudly with a big smile. She blushed slightly before Professor Flitwick noticed her success and called out to the class:

"Look everyone look- Miss Granger's got it. Oh well done. Well done!"

Hermione blushed again before...


Seamus had managed to somehow blow up his and Harry's feather, covering both boys in soot and ash:

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