Meet My Friends

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Y/N was walking back towards Hogwarts Castle with Hagrid, his friends, and Malfoy. Hermione still hadn't released her death grip on Y/N's arm. Harry was looking forward, at Y/N's back, thinking about everything that had happened. He spoke, causing Y/N to stop and turn:

"Y/N thank you, for what you did back there, you were going to.. I... thank you"

Y/N looked at Harry and smiled his cocky smirky smile. Hermione looked at him and blushed, that cocky smirk of his always made her stomach do cartwheels.

"You don't have to thank me Harry, I was just doing my job. We're just lucky Firenze was there or Voldemort would have killed us both."

Hermione, Ron, Malfuck and Hagrid flinch at his name as Harry looked forward puzzled:

"What do you mean your job Y/N?"

Fuck. Y/N let it slip.

"Just as a friend Harry. As a friend it's my job to have your back"

Harry smiled and nodded, Y/N internally sighed in relief as he continued:

"I just wished we'd been able to save- FUCK!!!"

The others, even Hagrid, jumped at Y/N's sudden roar.

"Y/N what is it love?" Hermione asked worried, oblivious to her faux pas. Y/N looked at Hagrid.

"Frumoasa, Hagrid. I've got to make sure she's safe!"

Y/N turned and kissed Hermione on the head as she released her grip and Y/N started walking back towards Hagrid's Hut.

"Where d'ya think you're goin'?" Hagrid asked loudly. Y/N turned.

"I'm going to the Reserve. I need to make sure my girl's ok! You take these four to the castle, I'll make my own way back!"

Y/N turned and started to walk again, Hermione yelling "No Y/N!" in a panic at the same time that Hagrid yelled:

"Absolutely not! You're going back to the castle!"

Y/N turned again, angered this time as he bellowed:

"Hagrid I'm not asking for permission! Now you either let me go, come with me, or shoot me with that crossbow, but I'm not going anywhere but the Reserve!"

Y/N and Hagrid engaged in a staring contest, a battle of wills, as the others watched speechless. Hagrid was the first to crack as he looked down and sighed:


He turned to the other first years:

"You four need to stay with me and stay on the path. There are dangerous, dangerous creatures in the Reserve that would see each of you as a midnight snack."

Malfoy and Ron shuddered. Hermione ran up to Y/N and grabbed him tightly. Y/N briefly hugged her and looked down smiling:

"Hermione it's ok. Each biome is magically sealed. The creatures can't get out. You're safe as long as you stay on the path."

She sighed a little and nodded. Y/N leant down and kissed her on the head before chuckling:

"Finally gonna see where I disappear to all the time."

For You I Will #1- The Philosopher's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now