King of the Snakes and a Birthday Extravagance

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The next week passed very quickly. Y/N had fallen into a happy routine- classes, study, secret Quiidditch training, real training, 'detentions' with Snape.

Hermione hardly left Y/N's side for any of it. When a special package arrived on Tuesday for him he had lied to her and said it was a late birthday present from Jacob. He didn't like lying to her but this was important.

They hadn't had any problems with the Snakes since the Saturday beatdown but Y/N liked to keep them on their toes. He would look into the minds of the snakes they passed to make sure they were being good boys and girls. That's when, on Wednesday, he read a particularly mean looking third year and found he was thinking about hexing Hermione when Y/N wasn't there.

Y/N decided to give a reminder. As they walked towards each other Y/N slowed and Hermione noticed before...


Y/N had thrown a punch that missed the snake's face by mere centimetres and cannoned into the wall.

The blow left a large dent in the stone wall and blood started to trickle down from the cuts that had opened in Y/N's hand as he slowly removed his fist from the wall, staring down at the terrified student.

The snake had dropped to the floor and now looked up in terror. Y/N stared down at the boy with a death glare as he spoke coldly:

"You even think of hexing Ms Granger again and all they'll find for mummy and daddy are pieces and puddles. You understand me?"

The terrified snake nodded quickly as tears formed in his eyes. Y/N didn't need legilimency for what he said next. The smell gave it away:

"Also you might want to change your pants. I think you pissed yourself. Go. NOW!"

The snake nodded and whimpered before running away down the hall, much to the amusement of the Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaws who had stopped to watch the unfolding event in the corridor.

Muggleborn students were particularly grateful to Y/N. Abuse had dropped significantly since Y/N's attack on the five fifth years. Blood purist students were scared to act on their prejudice in case Y/N was lurking in the shadows, ready to attack.

Y/N yelled out to the quickly scampering student:

"Tell your friends, I'm King of the Snakes now!"

"Legilimency?" Hermione asked as she gently took hold of Y/N's broken, bleeding and bruising hand. He nodded.

Hermione looked down at his hand:

"I appreciate it Y/N, but I don't want you hurting yourself for me"

Y/N shrugged his shoulders as she continued to look at his hand. Hermione spoke again:

"Come on, hospital wing... my hero". Hermione blushed as she spoke, locking her arms around Y/N's non injured arm and the pair walked together towards the infirmary.


Y/N smiled at the memory. He was sitting in the common room now, on a couch facing the girls dorms.

It was 5:15am. He had told Hermione last night he wasn't going to training. She was shocked but he explained he had a headache caused by the legilimency and Jacob gave him a pass on those days.

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