Camping Trip: The Lake

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Y/N had just finished setting up his and Barnaby's tent and wiped some sweat off his brow as he sat on one of the logs they had placed around the campsite. The lake enclosure they were staying in had a temperature consistently in the high twenties Celsius, for the creatures that would emerge from the water from time to time. For this reason Y/N and Barnaby sat topless, only changing into shorts after they'd finished their swim for the day.

Barnaby had got the fire going, placing steaks and sausages over a makeshift fireplace grill as he pulled two cans out of his bag, gently tossing one over to Y/N before opening his. They held them up, cheering each other before both sipping on the bitter brew.

"Dinner shouldn't be too long" Barnaby said with a smile as he took a seat across from Y/N. Y/N sat staring out at the lake in front of him, Newt happily sitting on his shoulder, hugging into Y/N's neck.

"You've been quiet today mate. Everything ok with you?" Barnaby asked worried.

Barnaby Lee was the son of Death Eaters. His childhood had been painful, his parents cruel and distant. After they had been sent to Azkaban following Voldemort's fall he had stayed with his paternal grandmother who had been no better. When he started at Hogwarts he had fallen in with the other two Slytherins who were children of Death Eaters, Merula Snyde and Ismelda Murk, before his Slytherin room mates had shown him a different way.

His life had changed once he became friends with Dean L/N and Rowan Khanna. Dean was kind, and supportive, and genuinely cared for his friends, very different to Merula and Ismelda.

Barnaby's caring nature and love of Magical Creatures emerged once he felt he could let his guard down with his friends in the 'Cursed Crusaders'- the unofficial nickname of Dean's large group of friends- and Barnaby had discovered people accepted him for who he was, not for who his family were.

He first met Y/N after Jacob's release from the cursed vault when the abuse Y/N had long suffered was revealed. He had gone one day with Dean and Penny to visit Y/N while he was recuperating in St Mungoes. He wanted to let the boy know his parents had been the same and that he would be ok, and he instantly bonded with the then eight year old. He grew close quickly with Y/N and would catch up with him whenever possible.

His nickname for Y/N of 'little bro' was genuine and sincere. This is the reason he knew something had deeply upset the boy. He hoped Y/N would confide in him.

Their first day in the Reserve had been long, as they swam in the dark cold depths of the lake biome, and Y/N had been unusually quiet, only talking to mark off areas when needed. Now they were sat and finished for the day Barnaby was hopeful Y/N would open up.

"You know you can tell me anything little bro" Barnaby said with warmth as Y/N turned from staring at the horizon.

"After detention last night Hermione and I were sat in the common room alone. We were close and talking and we nearly... kissed"

Barnaby's eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't expected that. But then again Dean and Penny started dating in third year, and given his... experiences... Y/N was a hell of a lot more mature than Dean and Barnaby had been at his age.

"But you didn't?" Barnaby asked, Y/N shaking his head.

"A girl from my Quidditch team, Katie, interrupted us. Hermione ran off. She hates me now"

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