House Cup

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Katie and Y/N were slowly meandering towards the Great Hall. Y/N was not in a rush to get there. It was time to announce the winner of this year's House Cup, which was unfortunately Slytherin.

As Y/N and Katie got to the giant doors, they paused, Y/N leaning down and whispering into Katie's ear:

"I really don't want to watch this shit".

Katie giggled but before she could speak another voice sneered at Y/N- Draco and his idiots had sauntered up.

"Finally got yourself a pure blood did you L/N?" Draco snickered.

Y/N glared at Draco, the cocky smirk on the blonde's face quickly being replaced with a panicked one. He gripped his throat, his face reddening as he tried to gasp and hit Crabb on the shoulder, unable to breathe in.

Draco grew more panicked as Y/N's lip curled up even more, a sadistic smirk growing on his face.

Katie looked between the two boys before she jumped in front of Y/N, cupping his face with her hands.

"He's not worth it babe...hey look at me"

Katie managed to pull Y/N's attention towards her, kissing him passionately. His hands landed on her hips as Draco gasped in relief, tears in his eyes as he inhaled deeply, fleeing from the magical assault and into the Great Hall as quick as his legs would carry him.

Y/N was surprised by the ferocity of the kiss, feeling Katie lick his lip before a throat clearing was heard, quickly followed by a harsh almost-yell of:

"Really! Is that necessary at the entrance to the Great Hall Bell, L/N?"

Y/N looked at the Professor, half smiling half stunned. Before he could say anything Katie had jumped in happily:

"Sorry Professor, but I had to stop my boyfriend from getting in a fight somehow".

She blushed a little and giggled as she finished speaking. Professor McGonagall looked extremely unimpressed. Y/N raised an eyebrow in surprise as his Head of House scowled at him.

"Yes I heard. Take your seats quickly!" the Professor snapped. Y/N looked at her even more puzzled as he was pulled away by the hand by his girlfriend.

The couple sat between Y/N's friend group and Katie's. Two seats had been saved for them, Y/N sat next to a smiling Hermione, Katie next to him with Alicia Snippet on her other side. Angelina, Lavender, Ron and Harry sat across from them.

Y/N side hugged Hermione, his hand quickly being pulled and placed in Katie's lap. Y/N looked up at the Slytherin banners lining the hall and grumbled:

"Place has never looked so shit"

He looked over at the House Point Hourglasses. There were substantially more emeralds in Slytherin's hourglass than there were rubies in Gryffindors.

"Even with the Quidditch Cup win we are still that far behind? Ignoring the 180 points we lost for Norbert I still earned a shitload this year. What the hell happened?" Y/N asked in frustration.

The twins looked over with a guilty expression from further down the table.

"Snape and Filch caught us with our stash" Fred answered guiltily.

"Took a House point for every item they found" George continued.

Y/N chuckled at the pair.

"It would be a bit hypocritical of me to berate you for breaking the rules, wouldn't it"

The twins smiled at each other in relief while Katie rubbed Y/N's arm and kissed his cheek. She rested her head on his shoulder as the Headmaster stood at his podium to talk:

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