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Y/N woke early the next morning in the Room of Requirement. His clothes were laid out for him already and the rooms gym was ready and waiting. He called out, thanking Barley for bringing his clothes from his dorm before looking around sadly. It was actually kind of lonely in the room without Hermione.

Despite the fact his Walkman was up in his room, a stereo system appeared in the Room as he reached his pull up metal pole. Cold Chisel's Khe Sahn started blaring. Y/N smiled to himself, muttering:

"I love this room"

Y/N finished his workout and showered before heading down to breakfast. He entered the Great Hall to see Harry and Lavender sitting next to each other and Hermione across from them. She was extremely engrossed in whatever she was working on. Y/N smiled as he snuck up and quietly sat next to her.

"Wow, colour coding. You look like you've been busy Granger"

Hermione looked up to see Y/N smirk and her face instantly lit up. Y/N couldn't help but feel it was adorable as she wrapped him in a giant hug.

"Oh Y/N I was so worried. Are you ok?" Hermione asked with genuine concern. Y/N smiled into the hug.

"Yeah sorry for worrying you I'm fine. I just had to blow off some steam. I'm really sorry about storming off"

Hermione pulled from the hug and smiled sweetly at her best friend, replying:

"No don't worry about it."

"Yeah Ron was completely out of line Y/N"
Lavender stated, still annoyed at the ginger's antics. Harry nodded in agreement.

Y/N smiled at his friends, appreciating their support before asking:

"So what's all this 'Mione?"

She had what looked like timetables and colour coded sheets everywhere. Hermione's face lit up again in excitement as she gushed about her project:

"It's a revision schedule. I made one for all of us. It's for our exams."

"But they are ages away Hermione" Harry replied innocently. Y/N send him a quick:

Silly boy

As Hermione began her tirade.

"They are only ten weeks away Harry, we have so much to work through and there is hardly any time to work in the material we haven't covered yet!"

Y/N chuckled when Hermione finished, asking:

"So this is what you were doing while I was beating the crap out of a punching bag?"

As soon as he said it Y/N internally chastised himself. He almost slipped up about their special place.

"Punching bag?" Harry asked confused with an expression mirrored by Lavender.

"Sort of" Y/N chuckled. "I spongified a tree in the reserve. Crashed there last night. See no breaks"

Y/N smiled as he showed Hermione his hands. Hermione smiled as Lavender spoke up with a giggle:

"Yeah, Sorry Hermione was very upset last night so I distracted her with exams".

Hermione giggled along with Lavender until they saw Y/N's face drop.

"Y/N what's wrong?" She asked concerned. Y/N replied with a heavy sorrow in his voice:

"I'm really sorry I upset you 'Mione. It's the last thing I would ever want to do".

For You I Will #1- The Philosopher's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now