Last Day in the Reserve

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Y/N woke as sunlight breached the tent. He yawned and stretched levitating his watch over.


He was suddenly aware of a weight on top of him. He looked down to see a familiar mess of brown hair on his chest.

Oh no.

The pair had repositioned during the night- Hermione was half laying on Y/N, her body fully pressed again him. His left arm was around her back holding her tight. Her left arm was draped over his abdomen, her left leg over his... lower body.

He was completely trapped. He laid there for a while, unsure what to do until he felt her stirring. Hermione yawned and stretched, squeezing Y/N tighter.

"Mmm...morning Y/N" she said sleepily.

"Um.. morning 'Mione" Y/N said awkwardly.

"Y/N?" Hermione asked, her brain suddenly realising what had happened. She jumped, too quickly.

Y/N felt an ungodly flash of pain. The world went dark momentarily, his mouth opened wide but no sound able to escape.

He had just been kneed in the crotch. Hard.

Hermione pulled back apologising profusely as Y/N rolled off the bed and landed on the floor, laying there, holding his manhood.

Agony didn't begin to describe it.

It took twenty minutes for the pain to begin to subside. Y/N was able to stand and attempt to walk it off. When he was reasonably comfortable he placed his shirt on and transfigured Hermione's pyjamas back to clothes.

"I am so sorry Y/N" she said concerned.

"It's. Ok 'Mione. It's ok" Y/N replied, attempting to smile but more resembling a grimace.

As they exited the tent Y/N turned to Hermione with a look of guilt.

"Would it be ok to keep all of... that... to ourselves, Hermione?"

She smiled, replying "of course"

They were both blushing profusely and Y/N felt even more confused now. The way their bodies had laid in synch during the night- it was like they were made for each other, two pieces of the same whole, perfectly sculpted for the other....

Y/N pushed the thought out of his head. He had a girlfriend. He had a girlfriend. He had a girlfriend.

He was pulled from his internal monologue as Bane and Firenze walked over. Y/N smiled, he and Hermione exchanging pleasantries before leaving the camp to head back to Hogwarts. Y/N turned to Hermione with a smirk:

"It's probably a two hour walk but I have a better idea"

She looked at Y/N and raised an eyebrow. He chuckled and with his cocky smirk said :

"Trust me"


The two arrived back at the school ten minutes later. They landed and Hermione didn't release her tight grip on Y/N's torso, nor remove her face from being smushed against his back.

"I need you to let go to help you down 'Mione" Y/N chuckled. She reluctantly let him go and he hopped down from his invisible flying steed, gripping her gently by the waist. She lifted a leg as Y/N balanced her, gripping his shoulders as he lowered her gently to the ground. She gripped him tight in a hug as he chuckled again:

"I think you popped one of my ribs"

She leant back and slapped his arm repeatedly:

"That was terrifying"

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