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Hermione had enjoyed the past three days. She had her best friend back- awake, alive, responsive.

Y/N though wasn't in the best of moods. He was hurting, he was tired and he was frustrated.

Y/N L/N was not a good patient. Penny and Dean has come again after Y/N had woken up. Penny had cried on Y/N's shoulder for nearly an hour- all the emotional strain of his week long coma pouring out of her. Y/N had just held her, comforted her, whispered sweet reassurances in her ear. Dean had chuckled, it wasn't long ago Penny was doing that for Y/N. It seemed their roles had reversed.

Y/N had got a lot of mail from smart looking owls- many people had wanted to wish the son of the Archduke and one of the heirs of House of L/N well and a speedy recovery. He had also got a number of letters delivered by a strange large bird, he had explained to Hermione it was called an Augurey.

He said the letters were from the Head of the Department of Mysteries but were enchanted so he couldn't discuss what was in them

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He said the letters were from the Head of the Department of Mysteries but were enchanted so he couldn't discuss what was in them. The letters would self incinerate as soon as Y/N finished reading them.

The near-kiss hadn't been discussed past Y/N's interrupted apology. Y/N was certain he'd made a mistake and didn't want to risk their friendship again. Hermione was still too embarrassed at running away and didn't have the confidence to bring up the subject.

Y/N was hurting from the incident but did what he did best, fell back to his stoic hardened self. Pushed the pain deep down inside. He thanked Jacob in his head for all the training in ignoring pain and keeping a straight face, although if he was being honest the cuts and burns he received from Jacob were preferable to this.

Hermione had been sleeping back in her dorm now Y/N was awake, at McGonagall and Pomfrey's insistence. She had though, been allowed to spend her days in the infirmary. Classes had finished teaching new subject matter now, and all classes were focusing on revision in time for exams. Hermione spent her days revising in the hospital wing next to Y/N.

She arrived after breakfast and smiled, kissing Y/N on the cheek. Y/N smiled, but she could see there was a sadness behind it. A sadness he wanted to hide. Hermione had made her mind up. She was going to tell him today. She had wanted to kiss him too.

The two best friends smiled at each other, both saying at the same time:

"We need to talk. I have to tell you something"

They looked at each other and laughed. Hermione slightly chickened out, saying to Y/N: "you first."

Y/N inhaled deeply, steadying himself.

He hadn't told Hermione he was checking himself out of hospital this morning. He hadn't told her that he was going back into the water to speak to the Leviathan. He remembered Dumbledore's warning.

For You I Will #1- The Philosopher's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now