
3.4K 106 30

New Thanks
So here we are at the end of book one. Thank you to everyone who has read, commented and voted, and thank you to both new readers and old reader who stuck around.

I am much happier with how FYIW#1 has turned out to the first version, so I promise I won't unpublish it again.

Thank you, sincerely to my good friend TheGrimmReader_ who has been, as ever, an ear, a sounding board, a proof reader and most of all, as stated, a damn good friend.

Taking a few days off to clear my head, I'm not sure if I'm going to go straight to book 2, go to TWD season 2, or even back to The Animal or Child of Azkaban. I've promised a few people I would read their stories and then I'll go from there.

Thanks again to all, hope you've really enjoyed this book as much as I've enjoyed writing/rewriting it.


PS- it blows me away we are nearly at 100K reads... feel free to go back and read it once or twice to tip it over the edge 😉😂

Original thanks
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read this book and enjoyed it. I'm blown away truly by the amounts of views and comments. I've never written anything like this before and just wanted to write a story I wanted to read.

I promise next book will be back on the Hermione train, and there is an important reason for the whole Katie relationship that will come into play in later years.

A special thanks to SnxffIez for the massive support and for helping with bouncing ideas off of. You've been incredible. Hopefully you all enjoy book two first chapter should be out tomorrow.

All the best


For You I Will #1- The Philosopher's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now