Chapter Eight: First Day

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Y/n woke up as the sunlight pierced his eyelids.

What time is it?

Dazed by the floating sky flash bang, Y/n reached for his phone, checking for the time.

I have half an hour before I need to get ready.

As he resumed his former sleeping position, the presence of a body alerted the boy.

Who the- Chaewon? I thought she was... I was facing this way when I went to sleep, right?

Y/n stared at the girl in his arms who buried her face in his embrace.

At least she's sleeping soundly.

Y/n took a deep breath as he felt a wave of drowsiness hit him once more.

She's kind of cute...


Chaewon squinted her eyes as she came to. The warm embrace from a few hours ago continued to comfort the radish.

This is nice... A lot warmer than the others.


Chaewon looked up to see Y/n's eyes still closed.

"Yes, Mr. Kim?"

"Are you awake?"


"Mkay... Let's get ready for school."

Chaewon hugged the older boy tightly.

"Can we stay like this for a little bit longer?"


His voice is so gentle... I feel so safe...

The pair laid in bed for a few more minutes, until a knock on the door woke the two.

"Mr. Kim. Breakfast is almost ready."

"Thank you."

The maid bowed before walking out of the room.

"Let's go Chaewon."

With a light sigh, Chaewon slid out of bed, walking to her bathroom.

I don't like him, right? He's just comforting.

Y/n sluggishly went through his morning routine, walking down the stairs to see his parents sitting at the table.

"Good morning Y/n."

"Good morning Dad."

"Is Chaewon awake?"

"Yeah. She's getting ready right now."

"Good, I had her uniform placed on her bed since she was sleeping in your room."

"You knew??"

"Of course. The maid that went to place it in her room noticed she wasn't in there, so I assumed she was in your room. You two seem quite close."

"She apparently needs to sleep by someone's side to get a good night's rest."

Mr. Kim raised an eyebrow, "Oh? But if I recall correctly, she said she prefers to sleep alone."

"Her nightmares appear to wake her up panicked, so I guess this is an exception."


Shortly after Y/n sat at the table, a plate of food appeared in front of him.

What's taking her so long? I thought she'd be down by now.

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