Chapter Seventeen: Weight

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Minju turned where she laid as she slowly came to. Once conscious, the girl shot up, wincing as pain shot up her leg.

Where am I...

Minju observed the new atmosphere. The first thing that alerted her was the new smell. 

This isn't my house.

Dark thoughts swelled in Minju's head as she fought to breathe. Each minute aspect of the environment shot adrenaline through the girl's brain, forcing her on her feet.

I need to get out of here. 

Minju reached for her pocket, feeling her heart sink.

I left my phone at Oppa's house...

Minju felt around, desperately trying to get a grasp of her situation. Silhouettes of objects filled Minju's eyes, but the soft touch of linen confirmed Minju's suspicions.

I was on a bed. Where am I? How long have I been out? This isn't my house, so who found me?

Minju limped towards the closed door, slowly turning the knob, peeking outside. The bright lights burned Minju's eyes, but she strained herself, using her adrenaline as her fuel.

Recognizing the outside of the room as a hallway, Minju crept her way out, using the wall to support herself.

Please don't find me... Please don't find me... Please don't find me...

Minju struggled to withhold her tears while her anxiety overwhelmed her.

I just need to get out of here and find someone whose phone I can use.


Minju dropped to her feet, curling into a ball, wincing as she began to cry.

I'm dead... I'm dead.. I'm dead... I'm-

"You're not supposed to be out of bed. You sprained your ankle."

Minju looked up as the man's voice filled her ears. Despite being husky, the man's voice was soft, somehow carrying a calming feeling with it.

"I saw you fall and sprain your ankle. I was going to help you, but you seemed determined to do things on your own, so I watched over you until you ended up passing out from the pain underneath a playground. I wasn't sure if someone was chasing you or not, so I went and picked you up."

Minju's face turned a tint of pink.

He saw me fall...

"Why are you going through all this to help me?"

The man sat on the floor, leveling himself with Minju.

"Because I can't leave an injured person alone. Especially if they're distressed."

Minju uncurled herself, propping her body against the wall, making the man smile.

"I'm glad you're no longer panicked."

"You feel calming to be around. I feel like I can trust you."

"Well... I'm a nurse after all. That's my job."

"You're a nurse?"

Minju checked her ankle, finding it wrapped in bandages.

"I am. Do you want lunch? You must be hungry."

"How long have I been out for?"

The man checked his watch.

"You've been out for about two days?"

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