Chapter Twenty-One: Temper

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Chaewon hummed softly while she stirred the pan in her hands. Though exhausted, a half-smile pressed against her cheeks.

"You seem happy," Kwangsun commented. "Did you two make up?"

"Hm?" The radish glanced toward the pair, nodding.

Kwangsun leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms. "That's a relief. You always seem happier when things are about Y/n."

"Her hands didn't," Daeun remarked.

Chaewon chuckled nervously, biting the inside of her lip to quell the guilt in her stomach while Kwangsun questioned the teddy bear.

She's still upset about that...

The radish portioned the meal, giving Kwangsun a larger volume than herself and Daeun. She placed a plate next to the man on his desk, and handed Daeun her plate on their mattress before starting toward the door.

"Where are you going?" Kwangsun asked.

"The convenience store," Chaewon replied. "I need to think about something."

Kwangsun nodded as he spooned his food into his mouth, "Stay safe."

Chaewon briskly walked through the crisp evening air, clutching her trench coat. She imagined Y/n wrapping the thick coverings around her body, shivering. A skip of excitement hit her heart at the thought of returning to her dorm.

Jinsang felt refreshing to see. Though weary, she never felt uncomfortable around him, and enjoyed spending time with him. But, the short walk with Y/n felt more precious than any amount of time she could have spent with the man.

She shook her head, slapping her flushed cheeks with both hands.


Beneath her, Chaewon eyed the cracks in the sidewalk. A guilty warmth spread through her on her first lunge. She smiled widely, turning to her right. Disappointment replaced the radish's smile as she found herself alone.

What am I doing...?

Chaewon stationed herself outside the campus' convenience store with a pack of beer in hand. She took empty sips, frowning. The cold can bit at her hands, numbing her skin, and the bitter alcohol felt diminished; bland.

A sigh slipped through Chaewon's frown, dispersing into the air. Slowly, the thick condensate she exhaled thinned with each sip Chaewon took—as did the strength of the wall she put up.

The radish teetered in and out of consciousness, shedding tears. She knew not why she cried, nor did she care. The only semblance of her waning thoughts wished to see Y/n.

Why did I let him go home? I should have walked with him more.

Each crystalline droplet froze her skin as it skidded down her cheeks, but comforted her heart. One by one, Chaewon took pleasure in her distress. She imagined Y/n finding her in this sorry state—a one in a million chance she scoffed at.

Why would he need to come out? He has two beautiful women waiting at home for him, and one of them has taken my place as his maid.


Her head shot up in her daze, darting to Jinsang. "Oh, it's you."

The man eyed the multiple empty cans lined before the radish. "What's wrong? Did he hurt you after all?"

Chaewon nestled her face in her arms, shuddering. Like a child, the simple question shattered what composure she had left. She sobbed into her arms, causing Jinsang to pull a chair next to her.

The screeching of the metal chair pierced her ears, briefly pulling her attention to the pressure building in her head. Jinsang shook the radish's shoulder, agitating her looming headache.

"Ya, what's wrong? What did he do? Just tell me, and I'll beat the shit out of him."


Chaewon and Jinsang turned to Y/n—their eyes wide but with drastically different emotions. He wore layers of jackets and hoodies, but pajama pants hugged his legs.

Jinsang bursted from his seat, grabbing Y/n's collar, "What did you do?!"

"Me? I didn't do anything!" Y/n turned to Chaewon, "What's wrong, Chae-"

Jinsang shook Y/n, pulling him closer, "Eyes on me, jackass!! What the hell did you do?!"

Y/n grabbed the man's arm. He struggled to break free, causing him to tug harder and harder.

"Stop!!" Chaewon shrieked. She grabbed Jinsang's free hand only for the man to break free.

Jinsang hooked his hand, punching Y/n's jaw. He pushed Y/n to the ground as he staggered, slamming punch after punch into Y/n's raised arms.

Chaewon pulled Jinsang's right arm with all of her strength. Her head pounded, her heart raced, and her muscles ached.


Y/n kicked his assailant off, scrambling to his feet. Blood ran from multiple cuts on his face, and his head spun. As Chaewon stepped between the two men, Y/n pulled her behind him.

"He's dangerous."

A swelling irritation pulsed in Y/n's with his wounds. He watched Jinsang closely, anticipating the student's next move. Suddenly, an agonizing pain spread through the back of Y/n's head, causing him to stagger.

When he opened his eyes, Jinsang's fist eclipsed his vision. Yet, the punch never landed. Y/n stepped back, revealing Kwangsun standing next to the two with his hand firmly wrapped around Jinsang's wrist.

"Stand down," Kwangsun commanded.

For the first time since Y/n met Kwangsun, the man's sheer height came to his attention; he towered over both Y/n and Jinsang. Behind him, Daeun pulled Chaewon to her side, watching the scene placidly.

"Back off, asshole," Jinsang glared.

Kwangsun's eyes narrowed, "Or what?"

Jinsang clenched his jaw, throwing another punch with his free hand toward Y/n. Before the hit could connect, Kwangsun thrusted his knee into Jinsang's stomach, knocking him to the ground.


Kwangsun hoisted the limp student over his shoulder, turning to Chaewon, "Where's his dorm?"

"I'll text it to you..." she mumbled.

As Kwangsun left, Daeun guided the drunken radish to her table. She turned to Y/n pointing to the chair next to Chaewon.


"Y-Yes, ma'am."

Daeun walked into the convenience store, leaving the two Kim's alone.

"I'm sorry..." Chaewon sniffled, wiping her tears with her sleeve, "This was all my fault..."

Y/n scooted closer, rubbing his maid's shoulder. "Hey, none of this was your fault. He was the one that got aggressive."

"But he got aggressive cause of me..."

Chaewon slurred her speech, drawing Y/n's attention to the three empty beer cans and half-empty can near the edge.

"We're you drinking with him?"

She shook her head causing Y/n to chuckle.

"You drank all that alone?"

Chaewon nodded. She leaned into Y/n's chest, heaving a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry..."

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