Chapter Nine: Mystery

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Chaewon trailed her two classmates, not paying any mind to their conversations.

What's been going on the past few days? I said I didn't want to make it easy for him, yet I feel magnetized by his presence. Things keep slipping out of my mouth that I don't mean to say, and I'm having these episodes. What do they mean? Are they dreams? Nightmares? Are they from my past?? Who am I?


Chaewon blinked, coming back into reality to find Y/n and Chaeyoung behind her.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't listening."

"I didn't say anything. We're home though. Are you okay?? Do you want to take a nap?"


"Alright. You can rest up then. Chaeyoung and I will be in my room."


The trio walked into Y/n's house, parting ways at their rooms.

Y/n sat his bag down with a sigh.

"I see you're worried too." Chaeyoung commented.

"Yeah, she seemed normal, but now that she's at school, it seems like things have worsened for her."

"What do you mean?"

"I assume she has episodes of nightmares or something while she sleeps which she remedies by sleeping next to me. However, earlier today, I believe she had an episode in Home Eco."

"So that's what that was."

"Yeah. I'm worried that I might have bitten off more than I can chew..."

"Well, I'm sure your family would be able to get her professional help. You don't have to do everything here. You're just a sophomore, Y/n."

"Yeah, but I feel obligated to since it was my idea..."

"Just because it was your idea doesn't mean that you're completely responsible for her. She is her own person."

"But what if she's mentally ill?"

"Then it's your responsibility to get her help if you can. Not to fix her problems yourself. The moment you try to do everything yourself is the moment you risk ruining things. I'm not saying it will happen, but you've seen what happens to those around us who try to bite off more than they can chew. It's not too late for you to reevaluate what you're doing."

Y/n plopped onto his bed.

"You're right. I kind of wish she'd talk though..."

"She doesn't have to. Maybe it's better that she doesn't for now."

Y/n nodded.

"How did you even find her?"

"I think I told you guys, I was walking when I just bumped into her."

"DId you see her and approach her? Or..."

"Nah, I was turning the corner when I literally bumped into her. Initially I apologized and was going to continue on my way home, but things felt off about her, and I had to stop her when she abruptly turned to walk to the street without looking."


"Yeah. She seems like a normal person though."

"Do you think that could be a ploy?"

Y/n furrowed his eyebrows, "What are you saying?"

Chaeyoung moved closer to the bed planting herself next to Y/n, tapping her lap.

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