Chapter Thirty-Seven: Goodbye

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As Y/n turned around, Chaewon sensed an overwhelming fiery lust emanating from the two before her.

Oh my god-

"I'm so sorry for intruding again!"

Before anyone could say anything, Chaewon ran away, closing the door behind her.

"Ah... It happened again..."

Minju nodded, "Yeah..."

With all sense of the former atmosphere gone, Y/n rolled over flat on his back.

"We should probably head off to bed. It's late."

"Eung... Can I stay here though?"

Y/n let out a soft sigh, "Yeah."

The two snuggled up next to each other, closing their eyes as they entered dreamland for the last time together.

Chaewon ran her fingers through her hair, internally screaming.

Why did I do that?! I should have expected this would happen... Those two like each other, of course they'd be in Mr. Kim's bed together.

Suddenly, Chaewon realized that she'd have to sleep in her bed while Minju slept in Y/n's. Like a set of dominoes, one thought set off a chain reaction, leading the radish to a place she never thought she'd be in.

Do I like him? No. Of course I don't. I like him, but I don't like him. He's just Mr. Kim, my master. Nothing's going on between us.

Thankfully, Chaewon fell asleep with relative ease, chalking it up to exhaustion from the prior events. The next morning, all six students gathered for their last meal with Minju. Things remained relatively quiet for the group as most of them had just woken up and were experiencing hangovers.

While everyone stayed at the table to socialize with Minju, Chaewon walked to her room, changing into her work attire before assuming her daily responsibilities.

I ruined things for them... If I just expected that Mr. Kim would want to spend time with her on their last day together, I wouldn't have walked in on them. I probably ruined the moment for them. What were they even doing? I saw him on top of Minju- Where they...

Chaewon's face quickly turned red at the thought of Y/n and Minju engaging in acts people their age shouldn't be doing.

No! No!! No!!! Get your mind out of the gutter, Kim Chaewon. Those two were just kissing. Mr. Kim's never been the type of person to think that way. Even if Minju likes to push their relationship forward, they wouldn't do that, right? It's their last night together, and they were drunk. Maybe...

Chaewon shook her head, continuing with her chores around the house, cleaning Y/n's clothes as well as his room, dusting his belongings and making sure everything was tidy. As she stood at Y/n's desk, the radish realized that the box was still there. Quickly, Chaewon rushed downstairs to see everyone still there.

"Mr. Kim..."

Y/n turned around, "Hm?"

"Don't forget about the thing upstairs."

Y/n raised an eyebrow, clearly confused, "The thing?"

"The box."

"Oh!! Right! Thank you for that."

Chaewon nodded, bowing before returning to her duties. As time passed, Chaeyoung and Wooyeon left to head back to their houses, leaving Jimin, Minju and Y/n in the living room. Eventually, Jimin prepared to head home, prompting Y/n to follow him to the door.

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