Chapter Twenty-Four: Distraction

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Chaewon scribbled word after word onto her paper, mindlessly working through the motions. Every time she finished a solved a problem, her mind wandered. She thought about Y/n: what he wanted to eat, if he had homework, if he's awake yet, if he wants to sleep together again.

Images of the two cuddling together flashed in her mind. Her body longed to lay in his embrace again, sprouting tingles and aches in her muscles. Though she knew what she was doing, the idea of indulging in her guilty pleasure dug her deeper into the hole.

"Ah! I can't concentrate."

Chaewon threw herself onto her bed. She buried her face in her pillow, letting off a heavy sigh.

What's wrong with me? Why am I thinking about him?

Suddenly, a weight pressed against her back. A pair of arms wrapped around her neck—as if someone were giving her a back hug. Her heart raced. She could feel everything. His breath against her neck, his chest pressed against her back, his crotch...


Chaewon threw her pillow at the door. She squealed, rolling around her bed before scrambling to her closet.

"I'm heading out."

Gaeul turned to the radish, tilting her head, "Is everything okay?"

Chaewon blushed. She glanced toward Y/n before whisking her head away. "Y-Yeah. I'm just going out for some fresh air."


Slowly, Gaeul laid onto her side. She placed a pillow under her neck before sliding Y/n up her body—sandwiching herself between the couch and her master.

With his head rested on the broad end of her shoulder, and his arm wrapped weakly around her waist, Gaeul caressed the back of Y/n's head. She pecked his crown with a soft smile.

"I'm gonna make you mine."

Slowly, the day passed on. Y/n awoke, leaving Gaeul for his room. The maid went through her duties: dusting counters, vacuuming, and doing laundry, but the feeling that the dorm was empty weighed on her mind.

Am I missing Minjeong...? There's no way, right? It's just that I'm not used to it just being the two of us. Yeah.

Gaeul stepped into Y/n's room, peeking at the contents on his desk.

He's just doing homework.

A slight urge in her chest compelled her to hug her master from behind. In the end, she to continued her chores until the sun set.

Chaewon knocked on Kwangsun's door. She swayed in her spot while she waited, eventually coming face to face with Daeun.

"Is Kwangsun out?"

Daeun nodded.

"Can I come in?"

The small student stepped out of the way, allowing Chaewon to to throw herself onto the pair's mattress. She stuffed her face into Daeun's pillow, holding her breath in anticipation.

"Can I make an odd request?" she asked.

"You cannot touch me," Daeun replied flatly.

Chaewon chuckled awkwardly before turned her head toward Kwangsun's desk. "Can you lay on top of me?"


"No reason. I just need some weight on my back," Chaewon replied.

Reluctantly, Daeun placed herself atop the radish. The moment her chest pressed against Chaewon's back, shivers shot through the maid's spine.

"C-Can you wrap your arms around my neck...?"

"What are you having me do?" Daeun questioned.

Chaewon remained silent. She held her breath once more as Daeun wrapped her arms around her neck. Imagery of Y/n taking Daeun's place shattered under the latter's citrusy scent. It washed over her like a wave, soothing her body.

Her mind on the other hand, threw itself into disarray. Her heart began to race. Her breathing grew shallow. All Chaewon could think about was Daeun. Daeun. Daeun. Daeun.

"I'm sorry about earlier..."

Her words came jumbled and incoherent as her mind and body fought each other.

"Calm down," Daeun breathed.

Chaewon's heart skipped a beat. She blushed heavily, and erotic scenes of the two spurred in her head. The rush she felt quickly came to a close as Daeun rolled off her back.

"You're confused, and it's poisoning your mind."

Chaewon turned her head, "Wha-"

The radish winced as she received a flick to the forehead.

"You've never actually fallen in love, and it shows," Daeun continued. "Y/n, me, or no one. Make up your mind."

"How do you know...?" Chaewon mumbled.

Daeun shook her head, "That doesn't matter right now. What matters is you sorting out the mess in your head."

She sat upward, gesturing for Chaewon to do the same. The stoic, empty demeanor Daeun carried filled with a sense of seriousness, creating tension in the air.

"Do you love me?"

Chaewon's breath hitched once more. Her eyes submitted to the doll's soft but intense gaze before drifting to her body. She pondered the question, digging through her past experiences.

Sure, she'd make a good partner: she pretty, smart, knows how to stand her ground, and all around attractive. But with Kwangsun around... it's obvious I shouldn't chase after her.

"Don't think about Kwangsun," Daeun added. "Just you and me. Do you love me? Would you spend the rest of your life with me?"

Chaewon took a deep breath. She shook her head, "No."

"Then what about Y/n?"

An long pause drew between the two. Chaewon opened her mouth multiple times to speak, but nothing came. Alas, she exhaled heavily, gripping her pant leg.


"Would you have sex with him?"

"N-No!!" Chaewon shouted.

Daeun leaned forward, "Yet you'd pin me in a heartbeat."

Chaewon turned away, blushing, "That's because... uhm..."

"What I'm trying to get at here is that you don't know what you want," Daeun sighed. "The question about Y/n was the only important one, and it was also the only one you seemed unsure about."

Chaewon frowned. The thought of harboring romantic feelings for Y/n felt wrong, yet she took pleasure in the experience; it felt... easy. The conflicting feelings of enjoying his presence and needing him around tied a tight knot in her stomach.

She recalled the jealousy she felt when Y/n slept on Gaeul's lap; the disappointment when he placed distance between himself and her.

"Maybe I do like him..."

Chaewon pushed her dorm door open, pulling Gaeul's eyes from the couch. She placed the bags in her hand atop the bar counter.

"What's this?" Gaeul asked.

"Chicken and soju."

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