Chapter Thirty-Four: The Past

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Y/n smiled as he laid on his bed. It had been a while since it felt so comfortable.

This is nice...

A few minutes after he settled down, Chaewon walked into his room in her uniform.

"Mr. Kim, are you asleep?" The radish called under her voice.


"Do you have any laundry you need done?"

Y/n shook his head.

"Alright. Can I lay down with you for a little bit?"


"Okay, I'll be back."

A few moments later, Chaewon reappeared in Y/n's room wearing just an oversized white t-shirt.

"I don't remember buying you one of those."

"Oh- I stole it from your closet."

Y/n shook his head, "I should have guessed."

As the radish girl worked her way into Y/n's bed, Y/n couldn't help but smile. This was something he definitely missed. Since sleeping next to Chaewon was something that had happened daily, Y/n didn't realize how weird it would feel for him to sleep alone. The last few days felt quite uncomfortable for the boy as he tried his best to not mind the absence of the radish maid.

"You seem to be doing better," Chaewon commented.

"Yeah, I'm doing a lot better."

"That's good to hear. Did the problem go away?"


"What was it?"

Y/n pursed his lips, "Not something I can say right now. Maybe later."


Before she knew it, Chaewon had wrapped her arms around Y/n's torso. Something neither party had recognized until after the fact.

Y/n closed his eyes, "I missed this."


Y/n blinked, "I-I mean like... This was something we did daily, so you being gone kind of felt off... You know?"

Chaewon giggled, "Yeah, I knew what you meant."

Without thinking, Chaewon tightened her embrace, "I missed this too."

In an instant, Y/n felt blood rush to his head as his heart rate spiked.

Please tell me she can't feel that...

Much to his relief, Chaewon didn't appear to notice the change. A silence followed the heart racing act. While the silence passed the two, Y/n found himself thinking about liking the girl clung to him.

Maybe I should try to see if she has feelings for me as well. Maybe... I mean that could explain why she still clings to me while we sleep. But at the same time, that could just be because she still has the nightmares she had when we first met. I think that makes more sense.

Y/n let out a low sigh, catching Chaewon's attention.

"Is there something wrong, Mr. Kim?"

"Hm? No. Just enjoying my time here."

"Oh, alright."

A few more moments of silence passed before Y/n's curiosity overtook him.


Chaweon looked up from her spot, "Hm?"

"You said you used to have a boyfriend, right?"

"Yeah, I broke up with him not too long before I left."

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