Chapter Thirteen: Fall

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Y/n laid splayed on his bed, sighing in the rays of high noon. His throat grew tired of doing so, but the act grew habitual over the days he spent alone. A thin layer of dust settled around the dorm, a pile of dishes cluttered the sink, and multiple take-out boxes laid flat on the bar counter.

Though his heart hated it, Y/n weakly sifted through his memories. The awkwardness of his first day taking Chaewon in played like an old film, shifting smoothly to the early mornings he woke to her in his arms.

Chaewon's silky morning voice, and her pure smile sent a skip in his heart that caused his stomach to churn. The words he took for granted underneath the stars on their balcony become more precious than diamonds, and the curious twinkle in her eyes whenever he called her name pulled tears from his own.

Three faint knocks at the front door pulled Y/n from his stupor, stagnating his thoughts. He weakly trudged to his front door, sighing.

How many times do I have to tell Winter-

The blonde-headed woman he expected to stand behind the door turned out to have long, black hair that transitioned to light brown in a gradient. Her slightly disheartened demeanor contrasted heavily with Winter's enthusiasm, pulling Y/n from his frustration.


With a solemn expression, Gaeul looked up. She let off a silent sigh before looking behind Y/n.

"How are you doing? You haven't come to class for a while."

Y/n's eyes shifted to the floor. "Oh... I've been well."

"Well?" Gaeul repeated.

Y/n hummed. He watched Gaeul scan the living room, pursing his lips.

"Chaewon's not here."

"A-Ah..." Gaeul nodded, "Can I come in?"


Y/n stepped out of the way, gesturing for Gaeul to enter. He eyed the mess in the kitchen, frantically sweeping the boxes into the trash before his guest could step into the area.

"Is it hard keeping this place clean without her?" Gaeul asked.

"A little."

A bitter silence fell between the two. It urged the two parties to say something—anything. Gaeul clenched her fist behind her thigh as she sat down while Y/n bit the inside of his lip.

You're not here for him.

Does she know...?

"So, do you know where she is?" Gaeul asked.

Y/n nodded, "She left a note saying she's staying with the other two."

"I see."

The two resumed their silence with neither willing to look the other in the eye. Strings of thoughts formed in the two parties' minds, tangling with itself until they lost all coherence. Before Gaeul could figure out what to say, three light knocks pulled the two from their trance.

"Who could that be?" Gaeul mumbled.

Y/n sighed, rubbing his forehead. He opened the door, revealing Winter standing in an oversized white t-shirt tucked in incredibly short jean-shorts.


"I told you not to come back here," Y/n scolded.

Winter frowned, "I know, but you don't leave your dorm, so I get worried that you might get lonely..."

"I'm not lonely." Y/n crossed his arms, "Now go. You being here might cause a misunderstanding."

Winter peered over Y/n's shoulder, meeting Gaeul's gaze. She squeezed between Y/n and the door, earning wide stares from the other two.

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier," she bowed. "If anyone's to blame, it's me-"

"I'm not the right person," Gaeul interrupted. "I'm just a friend of his."


The two stared each other down, from head to toe, taking in the other's presence.

She's pretty.

So this is her...

Y/n stepped toward the two girls, scratching the back of his head, "Winter ssi, you should leave-"

"Do you not want to be friends with me?" Winter interrupted.

"I mean..." Y/n glanced toward Gaeul, sucking through his teeth, "I don't know how you hanging out with me after the incident would affect things..."

"I'll apologize to your maid," Winter argued. "You're the only friend I've made, so I don't want to lose this."

Gaeul watched Y/n take glances toward her, sighing at his pleads for help. "I'll try to talk to Chaewon about it."

Y/n's eyes widened.


"B-But she probably wouldn't like... you know..."

"There's only one way to find out," Gaeul shrugged. "In the meantime, I came here to ask something."

Y/n's chest rose with the piling anxiety. He remained silent, awaiting the weighted question.

"Can I work as your maid while Chaewon's gone?"

Winter whisked her head from Gaeul to Y/n with wide eyes, "Me too!"

"Absolutely not." Y/n sighed, shifting his eyes from the husky to Gaeul, "You know the whole maid thing is a sensitive topic."

Gaeul nodded, "Yeah, but I was thinking about asking this before the whole incident. With me around, I can lessen Chaewon's workload so she can focus on her studies. I could also use the money."

"You can just ask-"

"No. I want to work for the money," she interrupted.

Y/n wiped his forehead, groaning under his breath. While the familiar face would ease his heart, the knot in his stomach in combination with his hunger ate at his temper.

"Have you eaten yet? I can make you something."

Through his fingers, Y/n eyed the two students, sighing sharply, "Fine. I'll think about it while I eat."

Winter's eyes widened with anticipation. She opened her mouth, but Y/n's nerves worked faster.

"No. You absolutely cannot become my maid. Forgive me for my rudeness, but I'd much rather try to preserve my relationship with my preexisting maid."

"Ah... Okay."

Despite her façade crumbling before the two students, Winter pushed herself to keep her peppy demeanor. Her heavy frown weighed at her smile, forcing her to purse her lips, and the shift in her eyes caused her to stare into the ground.

"What can you make?" Y/n asked.

"Depends." Gaeul moved to the fridge, gripping its cold handle, "Let's see what you have in here."

Unlike her own, the rich Kims' fridge held an array of meats, vegetables and other produce in many organized compartments by color and food type.

This screams Chaewon...

"What's your favorite food?" she asked.

"I could go for anything," Y/n replied impatiently.

Gaeul sifted through her choices, protruding her lips with a subtle grin. The idea of succeeding and gaining a source of income fueled the fire in her belly, filling her with an eager enthusiasm.

If it's anything like Chaewon's pay, I'll be set for college.

"Kimchi pancakes it is then."

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