Chapter Sixteen: Confession

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Gaeul peeked inside of Y/n's room. She took a deep breath to calm her racing heart before turning toward the guest on his couch. With her hands cupped before her waist and her back straightened, she approached Minjeong. The frills of her dress flowed with each step, giving her a sense of superiority to the woman. The feeling of belonging.

"What're your true intentions?" she asked.

Minjeong hummed as she lifted her head, "What do you mean?"

"Why are you here? Why do you stick around after everything that's happened? Why do you not have any qualms with clinging to Mr. Kim? What's your deal?"

The string of questions grew increasingly aggressive, pressing deeper and deeper into Minjeong's skin.

Gaeul cleared her throat, sighing. "You're making Mr. Kim uncomfortable, so I'd appreciate it if you'd give him space. I personally would rather see you gone, but I will respect Mr. Kim's wishes to be polite."

"Who gave you the permission to say that?"

Minjeong glared daggers into the maid, sending irritating chills up Gaeul's neck.

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused," Minjeong grinned.

"As his maid-"

Minjeong rose from her spot, stepping before Gaeul, "Talk to me as yourself, Gaeul ssi. Are you here because you care about him? Or are you here for the money? He's obviously rich, and with his maid gone, that'd be the best time for you to swoop in for the job."

Gaeul crossed her arms, "That's none of your business."

"It is my business. I like him." She pressed her finger against Gaeul's chest, lowering her voice to a mutter, "And you're getting in my way."

Animosity brewed between the two women, spewing a thick cloud of hatred into the room.

Gaeul pushed Minjeong's finger to the side, raising her chin, "It's my job to take care of him. He doesn't need people like you around."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"You came here during the party." Gaeul gestured to Y/n's room, "Went into that room, and did who knows what with Mr. Kim."

"I don't see the problem here," Minjeong squinted.

"You being here drives Chaewon away." Gaeul's stiff frown grew as she crossed her arms once more. She raised her head in superiority, "Since he cares about her more than anyone else, it's obvious what'll happen."

"I'll just talk to Chaewon ssi and sort the situation out," Minjeong shrugged. "Everyone's happy that way, no? You get your money, Y/n gets his favorite maid back, and I get Y/n."

Gaeul gritted her teeth. A pinch in her heart irked her, stemming from the thought of Y/n dating the woman standing before her.

"You looked pissed. Do you like him?"

"Why does that matter to you?" Gaeul questioned.

"Hello?" Minjeong scoffed softly, "I just said I like him! I can't have my potential future boyfriend having an affair with his maid because she seduced him."

Gaeul paused. She sighed through her nose, shaking her head, "Y/n would never do that."


The two stood in silence, Minjeong staring in search of an answer; Gaeul in silence. The former's eyes shifted behind Gaeul before returning back to the maid.

A sharp sigh swept between Gaeul's lips with her shoulders relaxing in canon. "Yes, I like him."

Minjeong raised an eyebrow. Curiosity spread through her face, much to Gaeul's surprise. "Who?"

"Y/n?" Gaeul furrowed her eyebrows, "Who else?"

Gaeul's heart dropped as the woman's curiosity disappeared. Her mouth curled into a smug grin, and her rounded eyes sharped mischievously.

Is he behind me?!

With wide, anxious eyes, Gaeul turned her head toward Y/n's door to find the man leaning against the frame. His blank stare drove white-hot stakes through her heart that dug its roots of despair through her chest.

"I-I promise I'm not..." Gaeul panted lightly, her eyes shifting around the room while she scoured her brain for a way to express her thoughts. "I... It's not what you think! How long have you been standing there?!"

"I just came out," Y/n replied.

Gaeul's racing heart and panicked breathing subsided. Her stiff posture relaxed, leading her shoulders to sag.

Please don't fire me...

"So... What's happening?" Minjeong asked.

Y/n shrugged, "Is something supposed to happen?"

Minjeong pointed to Gaeul, raising an eyebrow, "She just confessed that she likes you."

"You did too."

"So you were listening," Minjeong squinted.

Y/n knocked on his door frame, "These walls are thin."

Gaeul held her breath as she stared. Her chest ached in anticipation. What was to come? Rejection? Acceptance? Her thoughts raced from one train to another, blurring together into a deafening static.

"I'm not going to fire you."

The maid blinked, raising her eyebrows, "Pardon?"

"You look like you're going to cry. I'm not going to fire you," Y/n repeated.

"Even after everything I said?" she questioned.

Y/n shrugged, "If you want to work for your money, then I'll respect it. I'll be paying you thirty-five thousand per hour you are in uniform."

Minjeong's eyes widened, "Thirty-five thousand- What about me?! I want to be your maid too!!"

"I need to mend things with Chaewon before I think about that," Y/n replied.

"If things go well, I can be your maid then?" Minjeong stepped closer, clasping her hands. "I'll do anything you ask me to! No complaints!"

Y/n scratched his head, "I'll think about it..."

Gaeul dropped to her knees. She buried her face in her hands, taking deep breaths to suppress her tears. Part of her wished Y/n accepted her feelings, but the overwhelming majority of her felt grateful he accepted her as his maid.

Her excitement receded and dwindled as her reasonings for approaching him in the first place muddied her triumph. Guilt prodded at the back of her mind. It admonished her for thinking about her own feelings and comfort over Y/n's.

I'll make it up to him. I'll show nothing but sincerity and work hard.

"So you'd order her to get on her knees and suck your dick?"

Gaeul's head snapped upward. Her jaw hung open, and her wide eyes rejoined the conversation.


"No-" Y/n rubbed his forehead, sighing, "Can you take your mind out of the gutter? I wouldn't make her do anything she's uncomfortable with."

"You just said you'd make her do the dirty stuff," Minjeong argued.

"Dirty work," Y/n corrected.

"And how is that different?"

"Chaewon complains that her back and knees hurt, so I'd have Gaeul take her place. She also hates catching bugs," Y/n explained.

Gaeul sighed in relief while Minjeong placed herself back on the couch. She sat with crossed legs and folded arms, staring out the large window.

"When are you going to talk to this 'Chaewon' person?"

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