Chapter Seventeen: Minjeong's Aid

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Y/n stretched his arms, groaning. The sound of his classmates packing their belongings droned satisfyingly in his ears, raising a slight curve at the corner of his mouth.

Two attractive women confessed openly just like that...

He threw his textbook into his backpack with the rest, strutting into the hallway. Immediately outside, Gaeul greeted the man with a stack of books cradled in her arms.

"Woah- How long have you been standing there?"

"Just got here," she replied. "Thought it'd be nice to walk home together."

Y/n hummed, "Sounds good."

To Y/n's surprise Gaeul grew to match his pace, stepping when he stepped, and raising her leg when he did. It didn't feel like a habitual change similarly to Chaewon. Instead, it felt like a change out of adoration.

He noticed her habits and mannerisms change from what he knew in high school--as if they shifted to match his. She slept and woke up at the same time as him, spoke with a far more casual inflection, and even rested her ankle on her knee instead of crossing her legs when she sat.

While Y/n took a shower, Gaeul stared blankly into the wall with a sigh. Her straight and proper posture melted into the couch, releasing the tension in her body. Slowly, she retreated into her mind, leaving her body motionless.

"Mr. Kim?"

Y/n hummed, raising his head from the papers on his desk. Golden rays of the afternoon sunlight seeped through his bedroom curtains, casting an ethereal filter onto the scene.

"You said you wanted me to come after I showered?" Gaeul asked.

"Mhm." Y/n eyed the maid's simple white shirt, trailing to her black dolphin shorts. "I wanted to tell you something."

Y/n stepped in front of Gaeul, sweeping her dry, silky hair behind her ear. His dominant gaze shot chills through her body, leaving tingles wherever it touched, and their noses drew close enough for a kiss.

"Wh-What did you want to say...?"

Gaeul stepped back, whimpering as Y/n pulled her in. Her waist tensed and flared, sending jolts to her heart.

"I think we should take our relationship further."

"Further...?" Gaeul breathed.

"I want you to be my girlfriend," Y/n continued. "Forget about Chaewon; Minjeong won't be in our life's anymore. It'll be just you and me."

Gaeul shuddered under the overwhelming stimulus. Her face felt hot, her heart raced, and her eyes looked everywhere that wasn't Y/n's.



The maid jolted, blinking rapidly as she turned to Y/n. His white t-shirt rustled while he rubbed his damp hair with a towel.

"You were zoning out."

"What time is it?" Gaeul asked.

Y/n shrugged, "Dunno. Just got out of the shower. I'm a little hungry though."

Gaeul eyed Y/n's blank stare. Flashes of his mischievous smirk and seductive voice drew her hand to the warmth in her cheeks. A phantom pull at her waist elicited a squeal from her chest, causing Y/n to raise an eyebrow.

"R-Right. Give me a little bit."

Gaeul rushed into Chaewon's room. She checked her flushed face in the mirror, cursing underneath her breath while she calmed herself. With Chaewon's dress hugging her frame, Gaeul emerged into the living—sighing in disappointment at the lack of Y/n.

Get it together, Kim Gaeul!!

Y/n watched Minjeong slam her hands against the table, sighing at her outburst.

"You're telling me you still haven't talked to her?" she questioned. "It's been weeks! How long are you going to dodge this?!"

Gaeul shot daggers toward the younger woman, receiving a side eye back.

No one invited you here.

"I just haven't seen her around," Y/n mumbled. He watched the steam rising from his lunch wisp away in the cold campus breeze, "I haven't even seen Kwangsun and Daeun."

Minjeong waved the man away, "Then go look for her!! You don't have an excuse!"

"I don't know where to look," Y/n droned.

"You don't know her schedule?"

Y/n shook his head earning a sigh.

"It's okay, Y/n." Gaeul rubbed the man's back, "I can text the others."

"No!" Minjeong interjected. "He should be the one who fixes this—by himself."

"How is he supposed to find Chaewon then?" Gaeul questioned.

Minjeong pointed to the large field filled with students, "By getting off his ass!"

"It's faster-"

"It's about the time and effort! What do you not understand about this?" Minjeong ran her hand through her hair, groaning. "If he looks for her by himself, it'll show her that he truly cares. What good is it if the woman he's paying to be around him reaches out instead of him? It'll mean more to her, and increase the chances of her coming back."

"Looks like we have quite the heated argument here," Kwangsun commented.

The three students turned to the tall man. By his side, Daeun stared blankly into Y/n, resurfacing their brief interaction.

"Chaewon would appreciate time over money; it's more expensive."

Y/n rose from his seat, sighing, "Minjeong's right."


"It's okay." Y/n flashed a weak smile, "I'll bring her back before the day ends. That way the three of us can go home together."

Gaeul frowned, lowering her head, "If you say so..."

Y/n slung his backpack over his shoulders, taking a deep breath. Vapor swept through the air as he exhaled, washing an eye opening chill throughout his body.

"Wait- Y/n! You forgot your jacket!!"

A newfound vigor powered each of Y/n's steps, carrying him along the cement path. He scanned the faces of every student he passed, hoping he'd find his radish quickly. Despite the search proving easy, the lack of results wore at his resolve.

Of course this wouldn't be quick. The problem isn't what she looks like; it's where she is.

Inside the student union, along the grassy fields, around the dormitory he last saw her enter, Y/n checked everywhere he could think of. As the hope began to drain, and the sun shed its last light, Y/n spotted a glimpse of a familiar figure emerging from a distant building.

Without a doubt, it was Chaewon's. Her short, brown hair swayed at her shoulders as she laughed, and her arms hung close to her figure—clutching a binder and pair of books.

Out of all her features, her warm outfit caught his eye. Whether she dressed better to impress someone, or it was an trick set up by Y/n's mind in his longing to see Chaewon again, he didn't know. But he did know she looked much prettier.

Before he knew it, Y/n stood behind his radish maid. He matched her pace perfectly unlike the struggling student beside Chaewon. Y/n scrambled to string together the words he wanted—to piece together the meaning and sincerity her felt.

Suddenly, the student walking beside Chaewon turned to Y/n. He pushed Chaewon away from Y/n, standing between the master and maid.

"What are you doing?! We're the only people around; why are you so close to her?"

Y/n and Chaewon locked eyes, neither able to say the first word.

"Answer me!!!"

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