Chapter Thirteen: Unbearable

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Y/n laid flat on his bed, repeatedly pounding on its soft surface.

Why couldn't I do it? Why did I walk away? Stupid Y/n. You should have apologized to her. She probably hates you now more than ever for walking away.

Y/n picked up his phone as its buzzing alerted him of a notification.

How did Jimin know to get Chaewon that mint chocolate cake anyway? I assume Chaeyoung told him the news that she was alive, but the mint chocolate...

Y/n continued to ponder, looking at the ceiling as he tried to sort through his thoughts in the midst of his guilt.

Chaewon sighed as she laid in the room alone, peering into the nothingness that existed on the ceiling.

Mr. Kim...

Tears formed in Chaewon's eyes, falling down the sides of her face as her breath grew uneven.

How could you... I trusted you. I ended up opening up to you, and now I detest you. Yet why do I feel like I need to go back to you? Why do I feel like forgiving you despite every fiber in my body hating you?

Chaewon recalled back to the day that started it all. The day she broke up with her boyfriend. The day she killed her father, and the day she met Y/n.

Vicky... Daeun... I wonder how you guys are doing now... You probably think I'm dead.

Chaewon clenched her fist as irritation flooded the young girl.

I can't even sleep comfortably without him...

Y/n found himself awake a few hours later with an aching stomach.

Ah... I didn't eat at all after I woke up earlier.

Y/n walked down the stairs, peeking inside the kitchen.

"Dinner is almost ready, Mr. Kim." A maid said as if she could read his mind.

"Thank you."

Y/n walked back up the stairs, taking a glance at Chaewon's door before entering his room.

How is this going to work now? We're probably still going to provide her a place to stay, but since she's my maid, it's going to get really awkward. That and she has all of the same classes as me, which she sits right next to me in all of them as well...

Y/n spent the rest of the night silent, even finding himself ignoring his parents as he scarfed down his food, going back to his room as soon as he could.

After going through his nightly routine, Y/n laid down in the dark room, aimlessly staring into the dark. Zero thoughts existed in the boy's head as he found himself still drowning in guilt. Even after his best attempts, Y/n couldn't seem to take his mind off of the event. Whenever he thought of something else, school, his friends, video games, his family, he somehow traced it all back to Chaewon.

When Y/n finally fell asleep, he found himself dreaming of his horrors, constantly waking up in the middle of the night. After the fourth interruption to his sleep, Y/n lost his patience.

Y/n pulled out his phone, dialing Minju's number. After a few rings, the other end of the line picked up.


"Min, can I drive you over here? I can't sleep."

"I can stay up to keep you company..."

"I mean, I can't sleep even if I were to fall asleep. I want your company."

"Mkay... I'll get ready to head over. What time is it?"

"Midnight. You don't have to get ready. I want you to go to sleep after anyway."

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