Chapter Twenty-Two: The Present Past

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Y/n stretched his arms as he packed his things. The monotonous flow of school had finally ended for the boy, prompting him to take his belongings and the same monotonous feeling home. Despite now being in the comfort of his own residence, Y/n couldn't quite shake a feeling. For hours on end, Y/n would stare at his phone blankly, occasionally setting it down to close his eyes. However many times the boy would try to find something to do, each and every attempt would be futile.

I can't keep this up...

With a sigh, Y/n slid out of bed, moving to the entrance of Chaewon's room before knocking.

A few seconds later, the radish maid opened the door, looking Y/n in the eyes.

"Is there something you need, Mr. Kim?"

"How's your neck?"

"It's feeling better."

"Can you come with me?"

Chaewon's eyes blankly darted around as she thought.

"What is this for?"

"I want to go on a walk."

"Oh... It's almost time for dinner though..."

"I'm sure my dad will understand."

"Okay... Give me a little bit so I can change."

"Okay. I'll be waiting at the base of the stairs."

Chaewon nodded as she closed the door. A few minutes later, Y/n turned his head to see the radish girl descending the stairs in a thick white hoodie and a pair of jeans.

"Are you ready?"


"Alright, let's go."

"Did you tell your father?"



Y/n guided his trusted attendee off the property and down the sidewalk, eventually reaching a large park with a grassy hill where the two would sit down. The veil of immeasurable stars hung high over the two bringing a surreal feeling almost causing Y/n to forget what his intentions were.

"What are we doing here, Mr. Kim?"

Y/n leaned back on his hands, looking at the sky. With a heavy sigh, Y/n pursed his lips.

"I've been thinking about it a lot..."

A deafening silence surrounded the two, bringing Chaewon's attention to the crickets briefly before her mind began to race.

What's he going to say to me? He's been thinking? What's going on?

"I can't seem to get it off my mind..."

Y/n took a deep breath before turning to the girl beside him.

"I'm really sorry about what I did earlier."

"Mr. Kim I told-"

"Regardless. I feel like I didn't apologize well enough and it made me feel like shit. I felt the need to apologize to you so badly that I ended up forcing a superficial one just to get it out of the way, hurting Min on the way as well. After I got one out, I tried to tell myself that I did it. I thought I finally apologized, but I knew that apology was bullshit. I kept trying to push it down until today where I decided to actually give you the apology you deserve. I was a little unsure if I should actually do it since you seemed fine the first time I apologized, but I decided that it wouldn't hurt to do this in the end."

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