Chapter Twenty-Six: Surprise

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Y/n walked into Yuri's room, checking for the girl he came with.

"Jimin's in his room."

"Yeah, I heard his voice."

"Do you want to head over?"

Minju stood on her feet, "Sure."

The two walked into their resident Park's room.

"Hey bro, how's your hands?"

"They hurt like hell, but it was worth. I assume Yuri ah told you what happened?"

Y/n clenched his fists, gritting his teeth, "Yeah."

"So you understand why I did what I did?"

Y/n nodded his head.

"I'm glad. I see you also gave her that shower that you promised her."

"I did."

"You didn't do anything, right?"

"What is up with you guys and thinking I'd do anything to her??"

Jimin and Minju broke into laughter, high fiving one another.

"Seriously guys, I've known her since she was like- four."

Minju wiped her tears, "And she's like a little sister, yeah yeah."

"I didn't know siblings asked each other to marry them," Jimin snickered.

"I've seen it happen in movies, what's wrong with it? It's just a sign of her innocence cause guys have been pampering her for how long?"

"Hey, you're a part of that 'you guys."

"Yeah, but who's idea was it?"


"Looks like your fiance is calling you," Jimin joked.

Y/n rolled his eyes before exiting the room, knocking on the bathroom door.

"Yuri ah? Did you call me?"

"Can you help me dry my hair?"

"Are you fully clothed?"


"Okay, I'm coming in."

Y/n twisted the knob, opening the door to find Yuri sitting on a stool with a hair brush and dryer in her hands. Taking the two appliances in his hands, Y/n began brushing the girl's hair while the warm air from the hair dryer blew.



"What were you doing with Minju unnie before you came here?"

"How did you know we were together before we came here?"

"I just assumed so because Minju unnie only visits with you."

"Oh. Yeah, we were hanging out before we came here."

"Are you two dating?"


"When did you two start dating?"

"A few days ago."

"Did you confess? Or did she?"

"She did."


Y/n blinked, "You knew she liked me this entire time?"

Yuri tilted her head backwards, "It's obvious, Oppa."


"Jimin oppa and I would joke about you being dense because you didn't know Minju unnie liked you."

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