Chapter Twenty-Three: Jealous

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Gaeul took a deep breath. She rolled onto her stomach from her left side, once more meeting the cold touch of Y/n's bed with disappointment. Lethargy weighed at her limbs, numbing her mind like a melancholic toxin.

What even matters anymore...?

Through her numbed thoughts, the worry that something happened to her master threw Gaeul from his bed. She frantically searched the house, finally stopping before Chaewon's closed door.

Please. Please. Please...

She quietly opened the door, sighing in both relief and grief. Without realizing, her legs carried her next to the bed where she took a proper look at the pair.

Y/n cradled Chaewon's head in his arm while the radish nestled next to his body. His other arm wrapped underneath Chaewon and around her waist, creating a mound in the blanket.

Chaewon slept soundly and more comfortably than she did when the two shared a bed. Her soft breathing, muffled by Y/n's shirt, barely reached Gaeul's ears. The outlines of their figures melded together underneath Chaewon's blanket, leaving everything from their shoulders down to the maid's imagination.

At least they're home safe I guess...

Gaeul moved to the kitchen to prepare the three Kim's breakfast in silence—a heavier silence than usual.

Y/n tightened his hold on Chaewon, causing the radish to groan. Her low croaks spread an unexplainable warmth through Y/n's chest, growing a smile on his face.

"Good morning, Chae."

Chaewon nuzzled her face against Y/n's shirt, taking a deep breath before pausing. "Good morning, Mr. Kim..."

Slowly, Y/n rolled his maid onto his chest, earning soft whimpers along the way. Chaewon rested her chin on Y/n's sternum. She peeked through her eyelids, sighing sharply as she wrapped her arms around her master's neck.

"You're warm."

"Good thing it's the weekend," Y/n cooed.


The pair jolted in response to three firm knocks on Chaewon's door.

"Come in-!"

"Ah- Too loud," Chaewon winced. "My head hurts from last night."

Gaeul opened the door with an animated smile. "Breakfast is ready."

"We'll be out soon," Y/n yawned.

While Gaeul walked out, Y/n threw the blanket to the side. Chill bursts of air shot through the pair's legs, earning groans from Chaewon and prompting Y/n to return the covers to their spot.

Y/n slid from under the radish and toward the bed. He sluggishly stood on his feet, stretching, before stumbling backward.

Like a snake wrapping around its meal, Chaewon pressed her master to the bed with her body. Her warm breath brushed against Y/n's neck as she sighed, shooting pricks up the man's spine.

"You pulled me last night, so it's only fair I get to too."

Everything, from the soft cushions on her chest to the slight pause between breaths, Y/n became aware of Chaewon and her presence. Blood shot to his head, formally waking him up, but also stringing the hope that the radish wouldn't look at him.

"Mr. Kim..."

Y/n gulped, humming. His heart raced, slowing the seconds down with each beat that pounded in his head.

"...nothing. I just wanted to hear your voice. Keep talking."

Y/n sighed. He tapped the radish's back, "We should eat breakfast. It'll probably help with your hangover."

Chaewon rolled over. She waved lazily, prompting Y/n to walk into the living room. In turn, she trudged into her bathroom. As soon as the cold water splashed against Chaewon's face, the previous night crashed back into her mind.

Panic and embarrassment flooded her face turning her cheeks red. Her heart raced, spreading a bittersweet smile across her reflection.

Stupid! How could I let him do that to me?! It felt nice—everything felt nice, but Y/n?! No. Never again.

Gaeul watched Y/n pick at his food. His dull expression quelled her fret that her food tasted bad, but sprouted new worries that something happened overnight.

"Mr. Kim, is everything alright?"

"You too?" Y/n groaned.

"A-Ah, sorry..."

"No-" Y/n sighed. He rubbed his eyes, turning away from the maid, "You didn't do anything wrong. I don't know what I was saying."

I can't believe I let myself do that last night... What was I thinking?! And this morning... I shouldn't act that close again. She might get mad at me..

Chaewon emerged from her room, earning a brief glance from Y/n. The pair's gazes connected; by all means Chaewon expected a smile. Not a glare.

What was that about...?

Y/n stood from his chair. He walked to the couch without a word, turning the TV on. The two maids glanced toward each other in disbelief.

"What happened?" Gaeul mouthed.

Chaewon shrugged, "I don't know."

Gaeul moved next to Y/n, stealing glances from her master. His previously dull demeanor no longer weighed at his face. However, something felt off about him.

"Do you have any homework to do?" she asked gently. "If not, we can work on our upcoming project together."

"I want to relax today," Y/n dismissed. "We have, what... three weeks until it's due?"

"That's true..."

Y/n eyed Gaeul's lap. He turned to the maid, pointing to her legs, "Do you mind if I?"

Gaeul titled her head, "Mind if you what-?"

Her breath hitched as Y/n placed his head on her lap. From afar, Chaewon watched her peer glow red. Gaeul's hands shot up, both apprehensive of what to do, while her heart pounded in her chest.

"Mr. Kim?!" Gaeul squealed.

Y/n remained silent, prompting Gaeul to lean over.

He's sleeping...

A giddy warmth spread through her chest while she combed her fingers through Y/n's hair. The days of daydreaming and creating fanfics in her mind rushed through Gaeul's heart. Though her heart pushed for something more intimate, she settled on combing his hair while he slept on her thighs.

Chaewon placed herself next to Gaeul; opposite of Y/n. She eyed her master with a gloss of jealousy. No matter how hard she tried to hide it, it showed in her frown. A simple sigh slipped from her lips as she moved to her room.

What am I doing? I should be happy for them.

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