Chapter Thirty-Two: Shrouded Honesty 🔞

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Y/n sighed as he washed his hands. He patted them dry before opening the bathroom door, revealing Minju.

"Is everything okay?" she asked with a frown. "You've seemed down."

"I-I'm okay," Y/n stuttered.

That was a lie he knew even Minju would pick up on. He stared uneasily down the darkened hallway where only the lights downstairs and in the occupied rooms could be seen.

"You're clearly not. You were quiet during dinner, and barely spoke while we were playing board games." Minju grabbed Y/n's wrist, pulling him into his room, "Let's go sit at the heated pool."

Minju slipped into the glistening waters, letting off a breathy exhale of relief. She motioned for Y/n to join in, frowning as he sat at the edge.

"Are you comfortable in that?" Y/n asked. "It looks a little... tight."

"I'll be fine," Minju dismissed. "It just proves I've grown~"

"Your waist probably did," Y/n chortled.

"Ya!!" Minju splashed water onto Y/n before smacking his knee. "We're here to talk about your problems."

Y/n wiped his face, "Okay, okay."

Just above the water, Y/n watched Minju's hair just barely touch the surface. Caustics danced on her hair and skin alike, calling Y/n back to her beauty. "You cut your hair..."

"Ah- Yeah, I cut it a while ago," Minju replied. "Do you like it?"

Y/n hummed. He stared deep into Minju's hazel eyes with a deep regret-as if the moment were pulling him deeper and deeper. "I think I'm confused."

"About what?" Minju asked innocently.

"You. And my feelings," Y/n mumbled.

Minju's eyes widened, "Me?"

The fox searched for any hints of a lie in Y/n's eyes. She held her breath, gulping as she realized Y/n spoke the truth. Gently, she pulled Y/n into the water, never breaking eye contact. "Say that clearly, and I'll know you're being serious."

Y/n clenched his shorts underneath the water's surface, "My heart feels like it's clinging to the past. I have these feelings for Chaewon, but when it comes to you..."

"When it comes to me, what?" Minju breathed.

Y/n's heart raced. It rushed in his chest, confused on why it ran. Whether or not it were out of anxiety or love, it pushed Y/n to speak. "It feels like I'm in sophomore year all over again."

The pool currents pushed the two Kim's together, causing Y/n to flinch and earning a yelp from Minju. In stereo, the pair pulled each other closer as if their younger selves took over. Minju wrapped her arms over Y/n's shoulders, spreading a chill over his skin as the water dripped down his back. Y/n pulled Minju by her waist, causing the fox's breath to hitch.

Even in the heated pool, Minju's skin felt warm and silky smooth. It felt like a crime to touch her, but the heat of the moment blocked Y/n's better judgement; it seemed it did the same for Minju.

"Should we be doing this...?" Y/n breathed.

"Shut up."

Minju pressed her lips against Y/n's, spreading a bitter warmth through his face. With every moment they spent in the moment, a seed of guilt grew in Y/n's stomach. It ate at Y/n's conscience, but Minju's lips tasted too sweet to stop. Slowly, Y/n slipped his hand around into Minju's bottoms and around her ass. With a soft squeeze Minju mewled, prompting Y/n to squeeze again.

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