Chapter Ten: Breaking Point

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Minju awoke, surprised by the pair of appendages wrapped around her. Confused, the girl looked over the body hugging her.

Where's Chaewon?

After a few minutes of scanning the room, and waiting for the potential walk in, Minju gave up, snuggling back into Y/n's warm embrace.

This feels nice.

Feeling daring, Minju flipped over, placing her back against Y/n's chest.

I've always wanted a back hug from Oppa. I'm glad I could take this chance to get one- Even though it's while he's sleeping...

As she enjoyed her situation, Minju felt something press against her butt.

Uh... Maybe it's his phone.

Minju reached back, grabbing the object in an attempt to move it out of the way.


Minju leaned forward, jolting Y/n in the process.

"Good morning..."

"G-Good morning."

Y/n grabbed his phone from the nightstand, checking the time.

"It's going to get late soon. Do you want a ride home- Are you okay? Your face is red."


"You don't sound okay."

"I-I'm fine!"


As Y/n scrolled through his phone, Minju couldn't help but think about the object she had just grasped.

W-Why... It's natural right? There's no other reason. It was just a natural occurrence and I just happened to be there.

Y/n set down his phone, wrapping his arms back around Minju.

"Come back here, you're warm..."

Y/n pulled on the smaller girl, sliding her back in place. Minju's body tensed as she felt the object press against her butt once more.

EEEEEEK IGNORE IT KIM MINJU. He doesn't mean anything with this... Right?!

A few moments later, Minju heard Y/n's door open, revealing Chaewon.

"Is Mr. Kim awake?" The radish maid whispered.

Minju glanced back, looking at Y/n's relaxed face.


"Oh... I'll wake him up then."

"Wait- Why?"

"I was told he can't sleep too much here, or else he'll ruin his sleep schedule."

Minju sighed relief at the idea of getting out of this situation.


"Mr. Kim..." Chaewon whispered, "You have to get up."

"Mmmm whyyy..."

"Because you're going to ruin your sleep schedule."

Y/n repositioned himself, sending shivers up the girl's spine.

I can't take this anymore...

Minju turned in place, now facing Y/n.


"Minnn... Don't let her take me away..."

Y/n tightened his hug unknowingly pressing his member against Minju's crotch, sending an influx of different feelings to Minju's brain, ultimately making the girl let out a light moan.

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