Chapter Forty: Shower

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Chaewon grasped her hair, shaking her head.

No... Don't. It's not right. Don't fall for him.

The radish carefully slipped out of bed making sure not to wake the boy next to her. Though she had to make a conscious attempt each day, it was one she had no problem executing.

What's today?

Chaewon sighed as she rubbed her eyes.

It's Saturday...

Without further hesitation, Chaewon moved to her bathroom, pressing through her morning routine before changing into her uniform. Next thing she knew, the maid had thrown her bed sheets into the washing machine, leaving that to run while she mopped and cleaned her bathroom. An hour and a half later, Chaewon finished her room, and bathroom, checking Y/n's to see if he was awake.

He's still sleeping... How much is he going to sleep?

Looking for something else to do, Chaewon walked back downstairs to peer into the kitchen.

"Ms. Chaewon, is there something you need?"

"I'm looking for something to do."

"Oh, you can help us cook."

Chaewon nodded, stepping into the kitchen, "What should I do?"

"You can wash the fruit."


Y/n tossed in his bed as he tried his best to get a little more sleep. Unable to, the boy sat back up, rubbing his eyes. They were heavy, yet he couldn't seem to grab the extra time he wanted. With a heavy sigh, Y/n took off his clothes while walking to his bathroom, throwing them into the hamper before stepping into the shower. Right as the warm water splashed onto his back, images of the prior night flashed in his eyes.

She's still being traumatized by me... What should I do?? Should I try to comfort her? What if I end up hurting her more?? Not to mention what's been happening over the past few days...

Y/n sighed.

I can't believe I did that right next to her... I really hope I didn't wake her. I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if I did.

The feeling of helplessness and disappointment sapped Y/n's legs of its strength, forcing him to sit underneath the warm embrace of the running water. Though it helped ease his distress, the running water didn't solve his problems. From what he felt, nothing could. Slowly, the air grew thicker and thicker, breaths emulating the painstaking movements he made with his mind. With each humid breath he took, Y/n slowly felt his shower room expand. The relatively large shower he had, able to hold at least three people turned into a bath capable of holding seven or more.

Y/n knew he was able to reach to his side and touch the cold walls, yet his mind told him otherwise. The energy the boy had built over his time awake slowly withered away, prompting him to move to the back of his shower, closing his eyes.

I wish I could just go back in time when I first met her. I could change the way I acted. She wouldn't have been as traumatized if I did.

Suddenly, the feeling of guilt hit Y/n hard, forcing him on his back. He was almost the reason why she died, and yet here he was just getting out of bed after sleeping next to her. Y/n sighed. He wanted to be next to her. He wanted to be at her side at all times--she was like an innocent animal that he wanted to protect with all his being, yet he also wanted nothing to do with her as he felt he'd damage her further. Drowning in his guilt, Y/n felt his mind slowly fade. Unknowingly clinging barely onto his consciousness, Y/n mustered the only thing he could in his mind.

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