Chapter Twenty-Eight: Closure 🔞

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Gaeul pressed her lips against Y/n's, tipping him onto his back. She parted her lips, causing beer to seep into Y/n's mouth. Her face glowed a vibrant red, and her body clung to Y/n's. Chaewon and Minjeong watched from the side—the former speechless while the latter cheered Gaeul on.

"I love you so much..." Gaeul mumbled, her speech slurred. "You mean the world to me, Y/n."

She restarted the kiss, pressing deeper this time. The room smelled of alcohol and a good time. A variety of meats and side dishes decorated the Kim party's coffee table. Various alcoholic beverages laid completely empty with many more waiting to be emptied.

"Gaeul... You should let Y/n breathe," Chaewon pouted.

"Jealous?" Minjeong grinned. "Why don't you go stop her yourself?"

Chaewon turned away, her face slightly pinker than usual, "I'm not..."

The radish watched Gaeul's hands wander. To her surprise, Y/n accepted her with his own hands hugging her waist. Wet sounds of lips smacking together and passion in the air built a knot in the maid's stomach, forcing her to her feet.

"You two are way too drunk!!"

As she approached the pair, Gaeul pounced on top of the radish. A gloss of lust shone in her eyes, raising alarms in Chaewon's mind before the younger started their kiss.

"Gaeul- Wait-!!"

Chaewon pursed her lips and turned her head, but to no avail. The younger student held complete control over her. She pinned both of Chaewon's hands above her head with one hand, straightening her face with the other, and opening her mouth with a soft press of the thigh to her crotch.

Y/n slipped next to Minjeong, panting. Sweat beaded on his forehead, prompting the new maid to pat him dry with a towel.

"Did you have fun?" she cooed.

"Gaeul so pretty..." Y/n mumbled.

"Yep," Minjeong nodded. "Have fun while you can. If you're lucky the alcohol will erase tonight from your memory."

Y/n placed his head on Minjeong's shoulder, letting off a heavy sigh. He stole a glance from the woman, nodding. "You're really pretty too, Minjeong."

"Thank you," she smiled.

Before Y/n's hands could reach her body, Minjeong politely pushed him away. She took a sip from the beer can next to her, pursing her lips at the mess that awaited her after their party.

"Chaewon!!" Y/n shouted. He pulled Gaeul off his maid, sitting her elsewhere. "I've always wondered... How are you in this grade? You're a year older, right?"

Though he slurred his words, the radish understood him enough.

"I started school late," she replied.

Gaeul raised her hand, "And I started early!"

"Wah..." Y/n sat down onto the floor, taking a swig of beer, "This is one diverse group."

Gaeul snatched the can from Y/n's hand with a smirk. She downed the rest before slipping her hand into Y/n's pants—causing the man to flinch.

"Cold?" she giggled.

While Minjeong covered her eyes and turned away, Chaewon wrestled with the younger student. When she pulled Gaeul's hand away from Y/n's length, Gaeul pressed her lips against Y/n's neck. By the time the radish pulled Gaeul away, the younger marked three hickeys on the man's neck.

"You are too horny while drunk!!" Chaewon exclaimed.

Gaeul grinned. She pinched Chaewon's side, causing the latter to flinch and stumble backward. With her new opening, she resumed her hickey spree, but on Y/n's chest.

"Geez..." Chaewon mumbled.

She counted the love bites, clicking her tongue before joining in on the other side of Y/n's body.

"They're having a contest..." Minjeong remarked. "And he's just letting them do it."

Y/n closed his eyes as he rose to the clouds. Two beautiful women, one older and one younger than him, raced to see who could give him more hickeys. Pleasurable chills shot from Y/n's crotch as Gaeul snuck her hands into his pants. She pumped and pumped with a sly grin while she looked Y/n in the eye.

When Chaewon found out, she tried desperately to pull The younger's hand away. Eventually, she gave in to Gaeul's surprising strength and joined in instead. The two slowly but surely switched from giving hickeys to pleasuring Y/n's nipples with their mouths. Each time they felt Y/n grow close, they stopped with mischievous giggles.

The pair continued to edge Y/n on for what felt like an eternity. Beneath their sadistic game, a second game lied. Eventually, Y/n will cum and both intended to hoard his treasure to themself.

From afar, Minjeong fingered herself under her own maid outfit. She basked in her opportunity to watch such a steamy show in front of her; without anyone noticing, hours passed.

Gaeul pulled Y/n's pants to his ankles, displaying his length to all three women. Both contestants felt a rush of juice from their core while Minjeong's eyes widened. Unlike before, Minjeong's eyes remained glued to her master's shaft.

"Oh my..."

Chaewon and Gaeul switched from pumping Y/n's shaft to blowing it. They placed their lips on the side of Y/n's cock, sliding up and down while the man grunted. As Y/n grew closer and closer, the pair moved to his tip. A mixture of kisses, licks, and tongue flicks on his tip brought Y/n to the edge.

Y/n arched his back and curled his toes. In response, Gaeul pushed Chaewon side. She took his dick to the back of her throat, swirling her tongue, licking, and pumping his shaft. She moaned as Y/n filled her mouth with the bittersweet liquid.

From Y/n's pant pocket, Gaeul grabbed Y/n's phone. She recording the last of her blowjob, showing the camera her reward before propping it up on the coffee table. Y/n and Minjeong watched Gaeul pin Chaewon against the couch, sitting her knees on the radish's hands before sharing Y/n's cum by kiss.


"Fuck..." Minjeong moaned.

Minjeong's hips buckled while she watched Gaeul reach under the radish's hoodie and into her pants. High pitched moans echoed through the room as Chaewon squirmed. Gaeul and Minjeong shortly joined in on the moaning while they fingered theirselves.

In a chorus of high, soft, and breathy moans: Chaewon, Minjeong, and then Gaeul came. The last of the three handed Y/n his phone with a smirk.

"For when you get lonely, Master."

Following a shower on Y/n, Chaewon and Gaeul's end—and a lot of cleaning on Minjeong's—the four Kims got ready for bed. Y/n held Chaewon close, smiling as he took in his own scent from her hair.

"It's like you're officially mine," Y/n breathed.

Chaewon hummed, wishing to neither confirm nor deny what he said. Despite losing to Gaeul earlier, she felt content in sharing a bed with Y/n. A tiny part of herself questioned the kind of things she was into—whether or not she was into CNC—but alas, her thoughts faded the the back of her mind as she fell sound asleep.

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