Chapter Eight: Preferences

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Chaewon worked both of her shoulders as she stirred the wok in her hand. Salmon colored grains of rice danced like the fish, and the savory smell of fried meats mixed with acidic kimchi, and fresh vegetables. She portioned the kimchi fried rice into three bowls before frying an egg for each person.

With each bowl of steaming rice stationed on the bar counter, Y/n, Chaewon, and Gaeul dug into their food.

"I would pay good money for you to be my maid," Gaeul remarked.

"Probably nowhere near what I'm paying her," Y/n argued.

Gaeul smirked, "At least I'd treat her better. She can call me Ms. Kim wherever we go. Or... maybe even mistress-"

"Can we not talk about this during breakfast?" Chaewon interrupted.

"Sorry," Gaeul giggled. "Come to think of it, do we share any other classes, Y/n?"

Y/n slid his phone in front of Gaeul, displaying his class schedule.

"I guess not," she mumbled.

"I'm not surprised," Y/n remarked. "I took all easy classes."

Following their meal, the trio walked to campus with Gaeul departing first. Y/n led the radish maid to a grassy field, sitting her down before settling down himself.

"What's up?" Chaewon asked.

Y/n leaned back, "Nothing. Just want to spend some time with you."

"Really?" Chaewon leaned back with a smile, "Okay."

The passing breeze sifted through Chaewon's hair, animating her brown locks. Her content smile glowed with a contagious joy, adding nuance to her gentle allure.

I'm really lucky to have her here.

"About last night-"

Chaewon turned to Y/n, stopping as the two made eye contact. She seemingly mumbled to herself, remaining under the timeless light before waving her hand in front of Y/n.

"Is there something on my face?"

"Hm?" Y/n shook his head, "No, I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you around."

"Damn right you are!" Chaewon puffed her cheeks, scrunching her nose at the man. "If you act up again like you did when we first met I'll leave you for Gaeul."

"Not like last night?" Y/n asked softly.

"No." Chaewon paused, taking the soft grass between her fingers as she looked at the distant passing bodies. "Last night was my fault. You told me explicitly, multiple times, that you don't want the 'maid' stuff mentioned around company and I ignored it."

"That doesn't excuse me hitting you though," Y/n argued.

"Well, that means we both messed up that night." She turned back to Y/n smiling, "Let's make sure it doesn't happen again."

Y/n nodded. A refreshing breeze brought with it a comforting silence.

I don't want to lose her.

"Although... you calling me 'Mr. Kim' feels nice," Y/n commented.

"Why? Does it turn you on or something?" Chaewon scoffed.

Y/n tapped Chaewon's shoulder with the back of his hand, earning a playful giggle. "I don't know how to explain it. Your soft voice, and the way you say it, just makes it feel like I'm important."

"Ya, you're not falling for me again, are you?" Chaewon squinted.

"Get your head out of your ass," Y/n retorted. "I'd rather date Gaeul than you."

Chaewon raised an eyebrow, pushing her mochi cheeks upward with a smug smile. "You should give it a try. You were checking her out last night."

"Hell no!" Y/n waved his hand dismissively, "She's not my type. She's too loud and confrontational for my liking."


Y/n and Chaewon spun their heads around, gazing up to Gaeul as she stood with her books hugged to her chest.

"Wait- I didn't mean it as a bad thing-"

"It's okay," Gaeul dismissed. "Everyone has their own preferences."

She placed herself next to Chaewon with a sigh audible to only the radish, "My first class was canceled, so I went to find you guys."

Y/n stared into the grass with a frown. Despite not hearing Gaeul's sigh, or any difference in her voice, he felt a sense of guilt.

"Hey, isn't that Kwangsun and Daeun?" Chaewon pointed to the pair walking toward her, waving.

The male student turned his head toward the waving radish, waving with a smile. He jogged toward the group, prompting Daeun to follow closely behind.

"What'cha guys doing here?" Kwangsun asked.

"Killing time," Y/n replied.


Kwangsun stationed himself next to Y/n. He placed his backpack behind himself, nesting the back of his head on the sturdy support.

With a soft, low grunt, Daeun nestled her shoulder between the man's arm and ribs, allowing her to lay her head on his chest.

"How cute~" Chaewon cooed. "How long have you two been dating?"

"Dating?" Kwangsun repeated. "We're not dating; just really close."


Y/n eyed the small student for a reaction. To his surprise, Daeun's placid expression remained unfazed. He continued to stare, observing her perfect, porcelain skin and alluring complexion, bringing a slight rosy tinge to his cheeks.

She's cute...

"How did you two meet?" Gaeul asked.

"Uh..." Kwangsun scratched his cheek with an awkward smile, "Daeun was originally homeless, and I kind of just picked her off the streets."

"Don't say it like that..." Y/n trailed.

"Yeah, it sounds creepy," Chaewon added.

"Wait." Gaeul furrowed her eyebrows, "How is she attending here if she was homeless??"

Kwangsun burst into a forced laughter, jolting Daeun, "We're swimming in debt!!"

Chaewon gasped, "Are you going to be able to get out of it?"

"I don't know," Kwangsun shrugged. He placed his hand on the small student's head, eliciting purrs from her as he caressed her crown, "But I don't mind being in debt if it means we can be here together."

A hint of envy filled Chaewon at the sight of Daeun nuzzling her cheek against Kwangsun's chest. She imagined herself doing the same to her future partner, sighing.

What am I thinking? I'm content right now.

Despite quelling her jealousy, the dichotomy between the other pair and herself and Y/n hammered itself in her head.

What am I missing...?

She observed their relaxed nature, surfacing a distant longing to sleep next to Y/n once more. It felt odd to think about, but she couldn't deny that it brought back memories.

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