Chapter One: Admitted

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"Mr. Kim!!"

Y/n lifted his head just in time to watch his radish maid barrel into the room and onto his bed.

"Our letters from the college came."

The two white envelopes glowed next to Chaewon's pearly whites, mirroring her enthusiasm.

What if either one of us don't get in...

"Let's open ours at the same time!"

The young man nodded, taking the slim package into his hands. He stared at the envelope, gulping. Everything-their friendship, their situation, their future-sat on these two letters.

Y/n glanced toward his maid taking in her giddy smile. While not his longest, she was his happiest friendship. They grew together over their two year tenure, creating a bond he wouldn't give up for anything.

"Mr. Kim?"

Y/n blinked, meeting Chaewon's still gaze. "Hm?"

"What's wrong?" Chaewon crawled forward, pressing the back of her hand against her master's forehead, "You don't have a fever..."

Y/n smiled, scooting next to the radish's spot, "Nothing. Let's open our letters."

Y/n pinched the corner of his envelope with a deep sigh. When he looked up, Chaewon continued to stare at him. Worry swirled in her eyes, the corners of her lips drooped, and her shoulders sagged.

"Did you change your mind...?"

Y/n shook his head vigorously, prying his envelope open. "No!! Quick! Let's look!!!"

Chaewon reluctantly opened her envelope. She slid the folded letter from its confines, gulping as she opened the contents.

"Mr. Kim!!" Chaewon gasped, "I got in!!" The maid turned to her master, eyeing his smile. "We got in!!!"

Chaewon pounced on top of the man, nuzzling her cheek against his chest. "Thank god..."

Y/n placed his hand atop the brown ball of hair, caressing it with his thumb. The two laid in silence, basking in one another's warmth. Cold puffs of air brushed against their skin following the faint whirring of the AC. With their bodies replacing the nearby blanket, Y/n descended into his peace without a worry in the world.


She hummed, shifting her chest atop her master's. Her round curious orbs and pursed smile glistened in the young man's heart.

"I want to say thank you for everything. Because of you, I am a way better person than I normally would have been."

Chaewon scoffed, planting her cheek back in its original spot. "Don't be stupid. This was a team effort. We both contributed to the bettering of each other's characters."

She rolled over, placing the two graduates on their side. "Thank you for taking me in that one day. If it weren't for you, I would have been hit by that car."

Her muffled voice seeped into Y/n's clothes, loosely reaching his ears. "Did you mean to walk in the way of that car?"

Chaewon nodded, "I didn't want to live any more. I didn't have any family and I was too far from my friends."

Y/n pulled Chaewon's smaller frame closer and deeper into his embrace. The idea of his only source of light passing struck his heart. His chest throbbed, radiating its aching pain as if he were punched by a black-belt martial artist.

"But it's okay." Chaewon raised her face, locking eyes with Y/n, "Because I have you now, Mr. Kim!! We'll never be separated. Ever."

"You know you don't have to be my maid," Y/n chuckled.

Chaewon grinned, "But I don't have to not be your maid."

Y/n squinted, blinking before shaking his head, "At least don't go around saying it at our college."


"Because people are going to get the wrong idea," Y/n scoffed.

"What do you mean? It's exactly what it looks like."

Chaewon pressed on the bed, sliding further up Y/n's body. She neared his ear with a heavy breath-sending chills through Y/n's neck. "I am at your mercy, Mr. Kim. Whatever you say, I do. You own me after all~"

Y/n pushed the giggling radish off his chest and onto the bed. "Don't do that!!!"

Chaewon rolled next to her master, placing her head on his shoulder. "Did I get your heart racing?"


"Yes," Chaewon corrected.

"Jeez." Y/n sighed, "It's like you want me to fire you."

"You would never," Chaewon lazily replied as she nuzzled her cheek against the young man's arm. "You're too attached to me. Plus, I'm too beautiful."

Y/n squinted at the attempted aegyo, "Try me."

Chaewon raised her gaze mischievously. She straddled atop her master, wrapping her gentle hand around his neck. Her dark hazel eyes peered into his own, blankly.

"Mr. Kim," she whispered. "Your heart is racing."

"G-Get off me!!" Y/n stuttered.

Chaewon shook her head, "I don't want to."

Her soft, airy, voice brushed against Y/n's ear drums, plucking a falsetto symphony.


Chaewon tilted her head, "Yes, Master...?"

The once smug grin on her face disappeared. In its stead, a look of pure innocence washed over Charwon's face; had Y/n not know who she was, he would have mistaken her for a helpless woman.

Y/n gulped, "Shouldn't you uh... be packing??"

"I have already packed, Master. That is why I sleep in your room." Chaewon's breathy tone carried a hint of seduction to Y/n's heart, throwing his mind into a panic.

"Th-Then go pack for me!!"

"As you wish." Chaewon climbed off the bed before turning around, "Oh- by the way. You might want to take care of your friend. He was poking me~"

The radish giggled as she walked into the large closet

"I'm going to get you back for that," Y/n grumbled.

With their belongings packed, the two Kim's walked to Jimin's house. Slight frowns pushed the corners of their mouths down as Y/n knocked on the front door.

"We should have told them earlier," Chaewon pouted. "I feel bad telling them on such short notice."

Y/n sighed, "Yeah..."

The door creaked open, taking the Kims' attention away from each other.

"Unnie! Oppa!!! What brings you here?"

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