Chapter Twenty-Three: Suspicion

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The next morning Y/n woke up feeling lost. His answer had shown up in the form of Vicky, but Y/n wasn't sure if that was the answer he wanted. He knew returning Chaewon back to her was the right thing to do, but he couldn't bring himself to accept that it'd just be him again.

Why am I even thinking like this? I have Minju to accompany me when I get lonely. In fact...

Y/n grabbed his phone, initiating a video chat with his girlfriend. A few seconds later, the other end of the line picked up revealing Minju who sat at her dining table eating.

"Hello, Oppa. Is there something you need?"

"Just wanted to call."

Minju smiled, "Ya. We're going to see each other in what... An hour at most? Do you miss me that much?"



Y/n glanced at his phone to see Minju blushing.

"I'm going to get ready real quick."

"I'd hope so, you're going to be late if you take your time."

"I will?"

"Yeah. Did you just wake up?"


"School starts in twenty minutes, Oppa."

"Oh shit-"

Y/n turned off his camera before throwing himself into the shower. With great speed, Y/n showered, brushed his teeth, changed into his clothes for the day, and ran downstairs to see his parents and Chaewon eating breakfast.

"Good to see you're finally awake."

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"Chaewon tried to, but you kept saying five more minutes so she just came back down."


Y/n turned to the eating radish.

"Why didn't you throw a pillow at me like last time?"

"Last time?" Mr. Kim asked.

Chaewon nervously looked up at the man.

"I-I'm sorry... I worried that we were going to be late so I hit him with a pillow..."

Mr. Kim burst into laughter, surprising the young girl.

"That's pretty funny."

Chaewon breathed a sigh of relief as she resumed her meal.

"Come eat quickly, Y/n. I don't want you to be late."

Y/n did as told, scarfing down the meal before him. While the family ate, Chaewon occasionally glanced towards Y/n. Each glance brought with it a mix of emotions. The sense of comfort she felt irritated the radish girl, but also calmed her.

Y/n placed his utensils on his plate as he grabbed his cup for a sip of water.

"So did you find out what's going to happen with Chaewon?"

Chaewon felt her heart sink, slightly losing her appetite.

"We're not sure. Without a legal guardian for her to be taken in by, we can't really do anything."

Y/n turned to Chaewon, tilting his head.

"Do you have any other family outside of your immediate family?"

"Not really... They live really far away, so we don't keep contact with them."

"I see..."

"Could we get in trouble for housing Chaewon without any official records or anything?"

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