Chapter Fourteen: Reflection

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Chaewon's eyes fluttered open, meeting the early morning sun. She glanced over her shoulder to find Kwangsun sitting at his desk. In her arms, the teddy bear-like girl slept soundly, filling Chaewon's ears with her soft breathing.

She's so cute...

As Chaewon caressed the small student's dumpling cheeks, Daeun pressed her face against the radish's hand, groaning softly. Like a small kitten, Daeun nestled her face against Chaewon's chest, bringing a skip to the radish's heart. The early winter morning air nipped at both of their noses,  sprouting an envious pout on Chaewon's face.

I wish I could stuff my face into someone's chest.

Similarly to Y/n, Daeun provided enough heat to keep Chaewon underneath the covers, but not enough to make her sweat. Chaewon pressed her nose against Daeun's crown, taking a deep breath. The fruity and floral scents filled her nose and body with a tranquility never felt before.

Through trial and error Chaewon discovered that, if she were to leave the bed later than Kwangsun on the weekends, Daeun would naturally gravitate to her. Following the first night, she felt bummed that the human squishmallow returned to Kwangsun, but that led to her enjoying the weekends more.

Chaewon placed her hand on Daeun's waist, rubbing the oversized t-shirt she wore with her thumb. Unlike the innocent envy she felt earlier, a bitter jealousy welled in Chaewon's stomach.

An obvious, yet natural, curve gave Daeun's petite figure an intoxicating feeling to the radish's touch. It brought a care package of insecurities, drawing Chaewon to her own slim but flat figure. Her hand worked underneath the student's shirt, rubbing the pads of her fingertips against Daeun's delicate skin.

Her skin is perfect...

Driven by her thoughts, Chaewon's hand explored the sleeping beauty's stomach and back, mimicking the back and forth motions she made while bathing Daeun.

She's much more blessed than I am too...

As Chaewon's hand lightly groped the young woman's chest, Daeun pulled away with a whimper.

"S-Sorry!" Chaewon whispered.

Though not as closely, Daeun allowed the radish to pull her back in, driving a stake through Chaewon's heart.

"You awake?" Kwangsun asked.

Chaewon hummed prompting the man to rise from his chair.

"I need to head out for a bit. Don't worry about making breakfast for me."

Without another word, Kwangsun left the dorm, leaving the two women alone. Gently, Chaewon pulled at Daeun's waist, only to meet an equal push.

I messed up.

"Daeun ah, do you have feelings for Kwangsun?"

Daeun nodded, tying a knot in Charwon's chest. She sighed as subtly as she could with a nod.

"I see... Why don't you ask him out? It seems like he likes you too."

"Because nothing changes," Daeun replied. "We already do everything a couple would."

"What if someone asks you or him if you're dating or if you want to go on a date?" Chaewon questioned.

"I trust him."

Chaewon frowned, "Even if you saw him talking to another woman?"

She rubbed the fabric of Daeun's shirt between her fingers. A wave of sadness flushed over her face and into her eyes, swirling with a melancholy tint.

"Do you like him?" Daeun asked.



"I-" Chaewon sighed. "I don't."

"Then why is this an issue?" she questioned. "I'm sure you're not the only maid he's had, and there's a chance he will have more. If there's a discrepancy between how you two view the job, then you should delineate it so he doesn't cross that line again."

Despite Daeun's harsh tone, Chaewon couldn't help but feel soothed. Part of her didn't take her childish voice seriously, but her conscience kept her grounded.

She's right...

"I... don't know. I just doesn't feel right," Chaewon trailed.

"Are you going to resign as his maid?"

Chaewon shook her head, "No."

"Do you truly hate him like you said you did?"

"No," Chaewon breathed. The strength in her chest drained from her body, causing Chaewon to force her words out.

"Would you feel jealous or threatened if another woman were to get closer to him than you?" Daeun continued.


Daeun removed herself from the radish's hold, straightening her clothes before turning to the bathroom. "You should spend time alone to sort your heart out."

Chaewon sat up, pouting. She rubbed her arms with a frown that drew her face to her wrinkled clothes.


Groups of students passed Chaewon as she meandered along the campus' cement path--their casual pace eclipsing her gait. The gray squares winded through the campus, lining the perimeter of the grass fields, and connecting with small streets connected to the rest of the city.

Compared to the higher traffic sections of the school's campus, little to no buildings stood in the vicinity. Dorms sat sparsely in sections separated by pavement, trees, and grass, contrasting with the tall and looming structures that clustered on the other side.

With a rock skipping in front of her, she watched the amicable air follow each group, eventually passing over her before dissipating after the group had left.

The significantly less cluttered paths presented by the weekend made the perfect atmosphere for the radish. She basked in the muffled atmosphere, taking in the open air. Only the rustling branches, crisp breezes, and cloudy skies remained in her mind, painting a serene picture for her.

Chaewon flinched as a breeze brushed past her. It bit underneath her puffy jacket and into her skin, prompting the radish to rub her arms.

I should have worn more layers...

She kicked her feet forward, eyeing the brown pants wrapped loosely around her legs.

I should have worn a better outfit.

Approaching the boarder of the student division, and in the opposite direction of Chaewon herself, three students walked along the pathway with a less energy than the rest. She glanced toward the trio, widening her eyes.

Y/n, Gaeul, and Minjeong walked beside one another with Y/n in the middle. The accompanying females wore presentable outfits--clothing befitting of college students.

Gaeul donned a thick, off-white trench coat that dropped to her shins, light brown fleece pants that swayed with her steps, and a white scarf of the same material.

Minjeong wore a simple outfit of a white woolen shirt tucked into a gray fleeced miniskirt cross-hatched with white lines, stockings and a baby blue coat. Set side-by-side, Gaeul appeared significantly warmer than the other, drawing Chaewon's eyes to Minjeong's clingy demeanor. She clung to Y/n's arm, earning a perturbed glance from the man.

Similarly to Chaewon, Y/n wore a simple outfit of a tan jacket placed over a gray hoodie and matching sweatpants. As if connected, Y/n's uneasiness spread to Chaewon, sprouting the wish she were there. Just maybe then she could stand between the two and bring a sense of reprieve to her friend.

Did they force him out of the dorm?

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