07 Entering the forbidden forest

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After dinner, I returned to my bedroom.

My stomach was so full from the food grandma made.

It was so delicious that I couldn't control myself from eating too much.

And now my stomach is paining, how am I supposed to complete my mission in a state like this?.

After getting inside the room. I layed on my bed and took out my phone from my purse.

I switched it off while eating dinner so it would not cause any distraction while eating.

When my phone got on. I saw that I got a notification about having 2 missed calls from mom.

why is she calling me now?

Is everything alright with her?

I dialed her number and contacted her back but she didn't picked it up. It said that she was out of the area.

Maybe she called to ask if we arrived alright over here.

I'll contact her later to ask about why she called. But now I need to focus on my mission of entering the forbidden area of the forest.

I don't know why I am doing that. Even though I know there is a high chance of something dangerous thing to be inside it. but I just couldn't control my curiosity.

It's like something is calling me inside the forest. I don't even have control on my feelings anymore.

Should I tell grandma about it?

No, if I did told her about it then she would not let me go. That's why I am going to do as my heart says.

I looked at the clock and waited for Emily to arrive.

She said she would come to tell me about her plan in my room right after dinner.

God knows what's taking her so long?

After few moments, she arrived inside the room while taking something in her hand.

It was a walkie-talkies and few other things.

Where did she get that?

"Emily who gave you that walkie-talkie? And why did you bring it here? Is it included in our plan?" I asked her and took things she bought out from her hand and kept them in the bed.

"Of course it is included, and grandma gave me this walkie-talkie this afternoon while I was exploring the house. I knew this would come in handy in our mission that's why I took it." Emily said while taking a sip of water from the glass

Oh, so she was planning on searching the forbidden forest area even before me.

I knew that something was in her mind when I saw her smiling evilly before.

"So anyway, tell me about your plan. How are we going to do that?"

Emily took the map of the forest and started to look at it. "I took this map from the book I found earlier and stole it without her knowing. I hope she doesn't find it out." She smiled nervously. "I am going guide you through this walkie-talkie and tell you directions by it's help. If you got lost there, your phone has GPS tracker so we can find you easily. So you don't have to worry."

"The plan is good but what about grandma? What if she came in to check on us then what are you going to tell her?"

Grandma is too sharp so it would be hard to fool her so I am a little doubtful about this plan but let just pray that she doesn't find out about this.

"You don't need to worry. I'll make some excuses about it." She consoled me. "You should leave right after grandma falls asleep. So it would be easier for us. And don't forget to return safely before 3:00 am. don't stay there for too long." Emily threw a bag at me. "You should take this supplies with you too."

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